The Lucerne government wants to maintain the external evaluation of the school


The work of primary schools in Lucerne should continue to be scrutinized by foreigners. The government council wants to stick to the external evaluation of the school, but it wants to improve it.

  A school in Willisau. (Image: Boris Bürgisser, Willisau, March 27, 2018)

A school in Willisau. (Image: Boris Bürgisser, Willisau, March 27, 2018)

(nda) The Governing Council rejects a motion by Willi Knecht (SVP), who wants to abolish the external evaluation of the school , but he wants a postulate from Adrian Bühler (CVP) that demands their revision. Both proposals indicate that the external review of education required by law since 1999 is politically controversial.

Knecht asks that the school inspection, school management and education boards guarantee the quality of the school at no cost. The result of the external evaluation of the school practiced today is usually lean, but the paper and staff costs are enormous.

This contradicts the advice of the government. The external evaluation of the school costs 750,000 francs and therefore only accounts for one percent of the school's operating costs. An alternative would not be cheaper. In addition, the acceptance of school assessment has increased.

The Council of Government does not want to give up this external vision, which is held every six years. However, he is ready to write an impact report at the end of the third evaluation cycle underway to optimize the fourth round of evaluation. He therefore asked the Cantonal Council to explain Bühler's postulate considerably.

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