The man jumps to Sevelen SG on the moving train


Two passengers of the "Railjet 166" were en route from Vienna to Zurich on Sunday. In Buch's SG, the men get off the train and smoke a cigarette on the platform. They noticed too late that their train is already running.

"A 62-year-old man jumped between the last car and the last car and took the magnetic pads in Sevelen," said the spokesman of the cantonal police. Gallen, Hanspeter Krüsi, on "FM1 Today". The driver had noticed the man between cars in Sevelen and had pulled on the emergency brake.

Save a Suitcase

All the traveler did for his suitcases. He wanted to save his luggage and that of the other passenger. He was probably afraid that he could not get his business back in Zurich, "says Krüsi.

The 62-year-old man has fortunately not been hurt. "It could have fallen between the cars," says Krüsi. His behavior was reported to the prosecutor, they arrested an arrest. The prosecution will now decide whether punitive measures are necessary. (man)

Posted on 03.07.2018 | Updated at 13:22

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