The mobile rings the tower of the church – News Culture: Art


"God Calls", was the comment of a group of tourists who was ear-eared when on Monday, around noon, a world-famous cell phone ring rang from the little church tower for the first time. Other tourists – the Peterskapelle is located next to the popular photo subject Kapellbrücke – strangely stretched and amused their heads.

On Monday morning, Klarissa Flückiger and Mahtola Wittmer, two art students at the University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, had rebuilt the bell tower for their sound installation. The bell, which has not been beaten for months due to renovations, is now equipped with a speaker and a mixer in which the bell is kept.

Requirements of the City

When and how long the phone of the church tower will ring. They trigger the sound via smartphone, by which they must comply with editions of the city, such as the sleep of the night.

The sound of the mobile phone will ring at least three times a day, but often. These are the composers, said Klarissa Flückiger at the Keystone-sda agency. They would mutually agree and be designed.

The Catholic Church of Lucerne had the renovation of the Peterskapelle accompanied by art students. "Zeitzeichen" is the last of six projects completed

The idea was born from a joke, said Flückiger, who is mainly performing and video art . The church would have advised them not to interfere with the church bell in their artistic projects

Omnipresent Cell Phone

Art students followed the advice to the letter. They found that the cellphone bell is more present today than the church bells. Most people respond immediately when the cell phone rings. From this central role that the smartphone has in life, the question arises for both women, if the mobile phone has become the modern god.

Normally, the Peterskapelle beats every 15 minutes. Florian Flohr, head of the pastoral care of the Catholic Church in the city of Lucerne, said the cellphone bell lacked this regularity. The "Zeitzeichen" project also concerns how to determine one's own life

The Peterskapelle in the old town of Lucerne is the oldest church in Lucerne. How old has the church changed many times, is unknown. It was mentioned for the first time in 1178. It has never been an independent parish church, but it has formed the religious center of the people living in the expectant city.

In the future, the little church should play the role of an open church. "We want to be hosts," said Flohr. The impulses should come not only from theologians but, as for this artistic project, from the outside as well. (kpn / sda)

Date created: 16.07.2018, 16:59

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