The victims of the plane crash are identified


The victims of the crash last Friday on the Mount Durand Glacier were identified (BLICK report). The cantonal police report that the pilot is a citizen of Vaud 54 years old living in the center of Valais. His son († 21) was also in the machine. The other two passengers were a 59-year-old Danish and his 20-year-old son. Both should have lived in Denmark.

The four-seater Robin had departed Sitten airfield for a tourist flight, as announced Saturday morning the Wallis cantonal police. Shortly before 4:45 pm, the small plane crashed at about 3300 meters altitude on the Mont Durand Glacier. The site is located approximately 150 meters under Durand Pass

The aircraft's alarm system set off an alarm so that Air Zermatt's rescuers were immediately dispatched. However, they could only determine the death of the pilot and his three passengers. (nbb)

Posted on 29.07.2018 | Last updated 13 minutes ago

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