"This is hardly to understand as a message of love" – ​​News SonntagsZeitung: Letters from readers


A Low Flying Eagle
Journal of June 24, 2018

If you look at Xhaka and Shaqiri's distorted expressions of anger in their repeated two-headed eagle, it is not a message love for their Albanian parents. The joy of both gates is worth obscuring.
Claudio Bachmann, Basel

The "Swiss Swiss", furious, try to turn a mosquito into an elephant. After being provoked by intense whistling concerts, two players from immigration each score a very nice goal and leave behind a little pressure. Seen from afar, this is not an event that upsets the world. I class the incident rather than Lausbubenstreich
Bernhard Tanner, Ueberstorf UK

Hey, our immigrants are advertising for the ornithological Sempach? The footballers (immigrants) in Switzerland, Xhaka and Shaqiri (with the double Albanian eagle) and in Germany Özil and Gündogan (picture with the Turkish dictator) prove once again clearly that they have neither empathy nor intelligence. But hypocritical journalists can say repeatedly that football has nothing to do with politics (immigrants).
Koni Rüegg, SG of Ebnat-Kappel

More ads against animal torments
SonntagsZeitung of 24 June 2018

It is rewarding that cruelty to animals is more often displayed in pets. It is not entirely clear that on the one hand we are so sensitive in our pets that we simply accept the much worse – but unfortunately legalized – suffering in the commercial and experimental animal sector and even the finance with our consumption. After all, all animals are worth the same thing and are also capable of suffering.
Renato Werndli, Eichberg SG

People who let the sheep die in good German expose the dogs in the car to heat, attach the animals and kill them Tormenting death deserves nothing better than to purge a heavy prison sentence. During this time, they should learn to treat animals with respect. But our laws are not strict enough, the authorities are not sufficiently trained and the forces of order are not interested in respecting the animal.
Susanna Geser, Biel BE

Many Swiss people think that our animal welfare law is so great. Fines and penalties that are too lenient show the opposite. Why should the man always leave his aggressiveness to the weakest? Should he go into the woods and shout vigorously or get a punching bag? Then he can let off steam and nobody will be hurt. He takes a harsher punishment for any kind of animal cruelty, and he still needs more animal education. This should start at school with regular animal protection lessons.
Mirjam Durtschi, Muttenz BL

If you look closely, the animal torments are committed millions of times a day on the so-called cattle. Here, there are numerically the most victims, not with pets. Where is the national outcry, where the ads?
Claudia Zeier, Zurich

It is gratifying to note that animal cruelty is more common in pets. It is not entirely clear that on the one hand we react so sensitively to animals suffering in our pets and accept animal suffering much worse but unfortunately legalized in the commercial and experimental animal sector and even finance it with our consumption. After all, all animals are worth the same thing and are also capable of suffering and one should not treat well one and often even larder and the other fatten, kill and eat young
Renato Werndli, Eichberg SG

The animal is a commodity, an animal is considered inferior. We live in a prosperous and disposable society. You can afford everything and if something is wrong, get out of it. Unfortunately, the great responsibility that we have in acquiring an animal, big or small, is little conscious. Even if you have to stop a lot, the animal needs time and attention. To buy an animal, it needed a certificate of good faith, that's my opinion! What I read in the newspaper for the umpteenth time this week; the police smother the cows in the Gotthard traffic jams, just stand by the blazing sun – but the transportation of the animals has no priority right, he stands in the column. What happens there is the animal cruelty to the highest degree. Such a thing should be punished, not only with a brief fine, but those who accept this torture should suffer the same fate! The animal law needs to be changed, how long do we have to wait?
Beatrice Landert, Zollikerberg ZH

More open than it may be to the good of God
Sunday newspaper of June 24, 2018

Unfortunately, this reaction occurs again and again: when a security breach is reported, time and money are invested in lawyers to prevent publication or reporting. Time and money that would be better invested in software security! How about staying there and saying yes, we made a mistake, we make sure that it does not happen anymore.
Simon Baer, ​​Aadorf TG

"Migrants must bring their children as soon as possible"
SonntagsZeitung, 24 June 2018

Statements strongly colored ideologically Ms. Steiner can relate to the integration of children with disabilities into mainstream education does not remain unchallenged. They are not correct. This is really not the case that all parents of children with disabilities or learning difficulties want them to go to the normal school. Many parents know that a specific support in a special education school is more appropriate for their child. This is also confirmed by the fact that many "integrated" children in middle and high school then go on to a special education school. Mrs Steiner also neglects the fact that the education system has specialized in recent decades. This also in the sense of a differentiation towards the special needs of the learner.
Riccardo Bonfranchi, Wolfhausen ZH

Ms. Steiner apparently trivializes the enormous problems that weigh on the company in many school classes and therefore worry parents. If the proportion of migrants in a neighborhood is very important, classes with a very high proportion of strangers inevitably appear. But the level of sinking should not be overestimated, says Steiner, the children have come to know foreign cultures. Good comfort for parents, when the gym exam is due! And yes, there are students who have tended due to disabilities or attention disorders, class structure. Again comforting: the school management should pay attention to balanced class compositions – which apparently does not pose any problem! Such statements are absolutely unrealistic. In reality, many teachers consider that integration has clearly failed, and they demand the reintroduction of small classes.
Hans-Peter Köhli, Zurich

Companies blame themselves if no one trusts them
SonntagsZeitung of June 24, 2018

The assumption of Peter Burkhardt that the companies would be punished by customers or shareholders and so should be measured is absurd. History shows that there are many business leaders who have personally enriched themselves without reading in the spring and have often benefited from political crises. Only: he does not scratch anyone of these actors. In general, the population does not buy elsewhere either. These managers are starting to make as much income and personal gain as possible in no time. This is not their goal to measure. And that's why your conclusion is wrong. Only a person interested in long-term relationships will be measured. However, it is a secondary problem for many companies today.
Birgit Ludwig, Bremgarten near Berne

Swiss companies are currently experiencing more scandals than ever before. Obtaining financial benefits is generally the catalyst for misconduct. That the public generally loses confidence in the respective businesses or in the economy in general is the logical consequence. But even companies that pay high wages, lose the support of the population.
Brigitta Moser-Harder, Hüntwangen ZH

I was particularly pleased to have mentioned the Honorable Merchant, a centennial model that dates back to the Middle Ages. Even if there are always companies that violate the principles of the honorable merchant, this should not be generalized. Because ethical and moral concerns are increasingly addressed in society. And entrepreneurs can not help dealing with such concerns. Maybe this behavior is no longer guided by an explicit code, as in the days of respectable merchants. But he slips into the understanding of management in the business.
Jasmine Reiff, Gerolfingen (D)

The search for "Why?"
Sunday newspaper of June 24, 2018

So, I would have a hard time being the victim of the attackers sitting down and perhaps still having some understanding for these people. The fact that you give these criminals even a platform, I find that is wrong. If such a person has committed a serious crime, she is in prison and sheltered from any activity of coffee and cakes. But I am not really surprised at anything in our country, where predominantly a justice and a cuddly pedagogy predominates, where at the delinquent usually the victim is seen and the real victims are finally the Gelackmeierten! Now, it is also clear to me why Justitia wears a blindfold
Daniel Zollinger, Uster ZH

Swiss young people lose confidence in the economy
Sunday newspaper of June 24, 2018

can very well understand the loss of confidence. The more the view behind the scenes becomes possible, the more the loss of confidence becomes strong. Specifically, I find the statement of Bjornar Jensen, a partner at Deloitte, who, as a member of Deloitte's partner status, is, to my knowledge, one of the recipients of millions of payments. Preach water and drink wine? In my opinion, there is no justification for such wages. With justification, added value and a lot of work, the justification can not be maintained. How much longer do the clients of these consulting firms finance such purchases until the realization finally reinforces the fact that even smaller and cheaper consulting firms are doing at least the same job. The hope is extinguished!
Manuel Scherler, Berne

Congratulations to Generation Y, their attitude is first-rate and inspires optimism and hope for a better world. I am very proud of these young people and hope that they will stay with these approaches. They are critical, especially when it comes to the world of work. They are not easy to handle. They are informed and know what they want or not. The "Swiss Code of Good Practice for Corporate Governance" has not been in existence for a long time. Greed, money and nepotism have found their way into our country. The new generation can bring back ethics, morals and decency into the social fabric that suffers more and more.
Doris Gloor, St. Gallen

Freight Forwarders Cover Customs with Remedies
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Regarding the two cases mentioned in the article (CHF 613 instead of 613606 and 2.5 million with a VAT rate too low), it must be said that due to an erroneous comma concerning the value-added tax, it is "only" "the input tax. This means that the taxable importer calculates his tax payments on a quarterly basis on the basis of his turnover with the tax administration. The VAT paid upstream at the time of customs clearance, which has already been invoiced, will be deducted by the taxpayer. Depending on whether the mistake is made or not, the taxpayer removes more or less upstream tax, so that the state does not run out of money. The declarant registers too much VAT, the customs officer does not notice it? What happens when you ask to adjust the correct value? Exactly, the customs then reports: No adjustment, because the customer has the right to deduct the tax upstream. Thus, it is clearly a contradiction with criminal practice: everything is about money. Customs is doing fewer revisions today but more file checks. In case of subsequent errors, the under-invoiced costs will be recovered. The state lacks money?
Eckhard Hipp, declaring customs, Riehen BS

You please, no children
Sunday newspaper of June 24, 2018

Eliane Perrin, Sociologist specializing in abortion, June 14 On "20 Minutes" (Western Switzerland), the interesting statement: "One of the main reasons" for more than five years, the downward trend of abortion is the fact that "the pill after or the emergency pill has been made public". What the sociologist does not say: all "emergency pills" can inhibit the implantation of an already fertilized ice. Therefore, those who believe that a new life begins with fertilization should speak to a potentially premature effect of these pills. If the negative number of official abortions is mainly due to an increase in sales of the "pill afterwards", the number of abortions is somehow incomplete.
Kastlunger Pius, Arlesheim BL

End of opening
SonntagsZeitung vom 24. Juni 2018

What we propose as jeans with holes and frayed or d & # 39; other fashionable accessories is a sheer decadence and slap for people in countries that will never have the opportunity to buy beautiful clothes in their lives
Hanspeter Schmutz, Basel

Webbed in the thermal water
Sunday newspaper of June 24, 2018

Wonderful, now finally all families with children (up to three in number) could work for a Family package from 850.00 Swiss francs to enjoy a weekend in Bad Ragaz. Even breakfast and use of the hotel's wellness facilities (Grand Resort Bad Ragaz) are included in this case. However, it will be packed in the next few months thanks to free advertising in your Sunday newspaper, because that will miss such an offer. Ironically, I like to travel and often and travel supplements newspapers are certainly interesting and useful. Unfortunately, more and more offers are being described that far exceed the budget of ordinary mortals. For these offers, I do not need help to find the same thing. There are enough golf magazines, NZZ, and Monatshefte Gold Card and other credit card providers. What I expect from your professional travel journalist is "trouble" that you can not find yourself and that is affordable for the average person / retiree. Unfortunately, in your travel reports and your hotel suggestions, you only partially meet my requirements for optimal information and prices. On weekends 850.00-fränkige children with a night n & # 39; certainly was not part of it.
Hans L. Cattaneo, Winterthur ZH

Created: 30.06.2018, 22:56

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