Two wolf attacks in one night – the farmers of Nidwalden and Uri are in a state of alert


Above the village of Emmetten, he arrived at a Wolfriss on Saturday night – at least the crack scheme suggests. Now it happens that in the Riental near Göschenen a second attack took place almost at the same time.

Lena Berger

Twice in a few hours in Central Switzerland, Wolfsburg The alarm was triggered. As confirmed by the troll administrator Urner Josef Walker on request, several sheep were victims of a wolf in the Riental in the municipality of Göschenen on the night of Saturday

exactly the same thing for the sheep of a farmer from Emmetten. Nidwalden bailiff Hubert Käslin was informed by him Saturday morning of the incident. In the early afternoon, Käslin himself went to the site. Because in fact it is unusual that a wolf attacks only one sheep. But Käslin presented the same picture as his colleague Urner: "The crack pattern indicates that a wolf has attacked the animal," said the gamekeeper.

The tracks suggested the use of brute force. "I've secured the DNA on the spot," says Käslin. In about three weeks, when the tracks have been evaluated, one would know for sure if it was a wolf. The same applies to tracks that have been secured in the Riental. However, because of the distance, the hunt administrator of Urner Walker considers that it is unlikely that this is the same "culprit".

Farmers in the cantons of Uri and Nidwalden were warned by SMS in front of the wolf, so that they could take appropriate measures

Wolfriss confirmed in the canton of Lucerne

The last observation Wolf in Central Switzerland dates back less than a week. A hiker would have seen a wolf on Monday below the Dammagletscher in Uri township. Again, a Wolf SMS alert has been sent.

In the canton of Lucerne, a domestic goat was torn apart by a wolf last Monday near Sörenberg in the Tannhorn region. This was confirmed by Philipp Amrein, head of the Department of Hunting and Fishing at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, because of the traces left behind. It was the first crack confirmed in the canton of Lucerne since 2013.

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