Uniform IT mandatory for cantonal business registers


A uniform IT is to make the trade register of Kantönligeist. This is what the Federal Finance Control (CDF) claims and warrants with its huge savings potential.

The Federal Audit Office (CDF) considers that it is possible to improve the cantonal trade registers. A single IT application for Swiss business records would save money and avoid data transfer and synchronization issues.

Any natural or legal person carrying on business in Switzerland is required to register in the Commercial Register Completed requirements. As of January 1, 2017, more than 611,000 companies were registered in one of the 28 cantonal trade registers. This figure comes from the fact that Valais has three commercial registers.

The Federal Office of Commerce (EHRA) maintains the central electronic register of the trade register throughout Switzerland and supervises the relevant activities of the cantons.

The CDF examined the reliability of the data in the commercial register and its organization by analyzing data from the cantonal trade registers of Basel-Landschaft, Berne, Geneva, Vaud, Zug and Zurich. He concludes that the effectiveness of the current system needs to be improved, according to a 35-page report released Wednesday.

The plethora of applications and cantonal computer databases and redundancy of data with the central registry would raise the issue According to the report, the use of computer funds by the authorities is effective. The CDF advocates a simplification of the IT environment with a single application for the Swiss Trade Register.

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