Vandals devastate wind farms on Mont-Soleil


(nda) At least two wind turbines on Mont-Crosin and Mont-Soleil in the Bernese Jura were devastated at the end of June. The park operator, BKW, complained

A spokesman for BKW confirmed to Keystone-SDA an article in the newspaper " The Morning Sunday". On its website, Courtelary City Council regrets the damage, classified as "significant". However, the factories continued to supply electricity.

A total of 16 turbines are used in Switzerland's largest wind farm. Bern cantonal police filed two complaints, one in April and one in late June, a spokesman said. The latest report concerns damage to the bottom of the turbines. Due to ongoing investigations, the police did not provide further information.

In October 2016, arson was committed on the nearby St. Brais wind farm. The unknown set fire to the electrical panel and damaged one of the two turbines. The local operator ADEV had filed a complaint. According to "Le Matin Dimanche", the prosecutor's office closed the investigations because they did not result in any results.

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