Grenchnerinnen and Grenchner would not have expected a balanced portrait of "their city". It was about the political and social well-being of three couples who were now living in Grenchen. Grenchen relies on statistical data such as permanent abstention, the mass immigration initiative, the social assistance rate and the high proportion of strangers "as a kaleidoscope for analyzing the fears of the silent majority and globalization, "Blum writes.
This was a lively report on political insecurity and the losers of globalization emerged. Conscious manipulation or theses journalism was not detectable. The reader can freely form an opinion
The Ombudsman only complains about the film in a few points. Because SRF messed with the detailed research. So, it is said once that the SP has lost a majority in the municipal elections. They do not have them at all. Bürgergemeindeverwalter Renato Müller has also been wrongly called a municipal manager. And finally, it was not mentioned that on the school menu there are also student menus without pork.
Blum sees a problematic approach of the filmmaker only on a more relevant point. He criticizes, "that she has been trying to pin the protagonists almost obsessively on the positions of SVP." The Blum media scientist: "Being in the same position as the UDC is not fundamentally wrong." That individuals do not live in Grenchen because the theme of the film does not matter, on the contrary. This charge could only be raised with conviction, if the film had been a portrait of Grenchen. Grenchen had just set the scene for "a living study of three circles".
Blum's 12-page final report on complaints to doc. Cinema is not the least advocacy for press freedom. The editorial board should be able to decide for itself what topics it wants to address and how it does. He should also focus on the negative aspects or practice advocacy journalism. "The media is there to disturb, where the media does not disturb, they are either tamed or manipulated, and they do not do justice to their role," said Blum. "The only condition is that in the case of allegations the opposite position is expressed."
Since no one is charged, this is not a problem. The city of Grenchen is finally made in the movie "not responsible for the precarious economic situation and the fears of some future inhabitants."
end good, all good?
The Ombudsman, but apparently wants to be conciliatory with the Grenchnern. In an excursus, he tells what the city has to offer. The city and SRF met for a discussion. SRF, after a year of shooting in Granges surprised by the violent reactions to the film, wants to communicate in the future "motive and purpose of a wider and earlier documentation."
The facts should be examined in more detail. The city of Grenchen, whose political representatives have widely criticized the film but did not want to participate, now wants to become "more communicative and better market its activities."
Mayor François Scheidegger was temporarily unavailable on Tuesday. [19659011]
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