What investors should consider when crowdfunding


Interest rates on the account and on bonds tend towards zero. So putting everything in stocks does not make sense either. As a result, private investors are increasingly looking for alternatives. One of them is the crowdfunding . Many finance a project via the Internet. That's why talk about herd financing. Sometimes people in emergency situations seek such support for medical treatment that they can not afford, sometimes with cultural projects. But there is also crowdfunding for investors. An attractive interest income of 5% and more is guaranteed.

Crowdfunding is the generic term for various types of swarm financing. ROI projects involve crowd investing, where an investor becomes a partner, or the crowd loan, where loans are made available.

Good risk of 1% default

Cashare is a crowd loan provider. The owner of the company, Michael Borter, estimates the average return for investors at 7.2%. Depending on how individual debtors are rated, the rate goes up or down – the higher the risk of default, the higher the interest rate. According to Borter, the default risk is on average between 1 and 1.25%. "Until now, we have not had a single default on A rated debtors," he says. In the worst grade C, 4 to 5% of the debtors have not paid back their money. In this risk group, creditors who provide money receive interest from 8 to almost 10%.

Concurrent Creditgate 24 indicates slightly lower values: The average failure rate is 0.24%, according to partner and co-owner Paul Baumgartner. In riskier categories, however, significantly higher losses are possible. And the one who gives money receives between 4 and 6% interest.

Creditgate 24 has a maturity range of one to five years. For businesses, there are also short-term bridge loans of one to six months. For Cashare, the deadlines for individuals are between six months and five years. Investors often need cash because of unexpected events. If you want to recover your money before the end of the agreed period, you will have problems and will probably have to accept a loss. Creditgate 24 provides a platform on which loans can be sold in advance.

From 500 francs

Private investors can start crowdfunding from 500 francs. Especially with larger amounts, it makes sense to diversify within a crowd loan platform. This means that if you invest 10 000 Swiss francs for example, you must divide the amount between several funding projects of different sizes, deadlines and risk assessments. So any use is not affected when there are refund issues in some cases. The suppliers in the Swiss crowdlending market are fundamentally serious, says Andreas Dietrich. He is director of the IFZ and author of the crowdfunding screen. Dietrich confirms that the default rate has been very low in recent years. In other words, the risk of loss for investors was quite acceptable with sufficient diversification. For private investors, crowdfunding can also be interesting because there has been only a weak correlation with the securities market in the past. When stock prices fall, investors do not lose a lot of money in the crowdlending at the same time.

The investor becomes a shareholder

There are different forms of crowdinvesting. Anyone who invests in start-ups is fundamentally at higher risk because many projects fail. For real estate investors get at least some value. Crowdhouse is the largest provider of such assets. Investors participate directly in real estate – they are registered in the land register as co-owners. The company assumes all administrative tasks with the authorization of the investor. Return on equity in 2017 was 6.6%. According to the subject, investors are paid between 5 and 5.5%. The difference is used as a provision. Who wants to go out, can do it according to the information of the company in a few weeks.

Crowdhouse buys large residential properties at prices between 5 and 15 million francs. The proportion of debt financing is about 50%. Fixed rate mortgages have a term of five to ten years, which guarantees stable income over the medium term. The downside: Crowdhouse is only suitable for investors with a larger budget – at least CHF 100,000 must be. Other suppliers experience the same limit and occasionally promise returns of 7 to 10%. For some, even deeper missions are possible

Appearances deceive

The high hurdle at the entrance may scare small investors: it is not not advised to invest a large portion of the assets in an investment. And another thing is important: investors should visit the property personally before using their savings. After electronic image processing, properties on the Internet often leave a much better impression than in reality.

Andreas Dietrich sees potential for crowd investors in crowd investment. Asked about real estate risks, he stressed that even in the worst case, an investor will not lose everything. At the same time, however, he acknowledges a "latent risk": if real estate prices fall sharply and demand declines, there may be problems if an investor wants to sell his shares.


created: 29.07.2018, 18:46

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