Züri-Fäscht: The night contract with ZVV provides a solution to financial problems


Because the ZVV could not increase the night supplement at the 2016 Züri-Fäscht, the organizers had to dig deep into their pockets. The extra costs put them in front of big financial problems. A solution is now found.

Fabian Baumgartner

  The last edition of the Züri-Fäscht attracted many visitors to the lakeside promenade. (Image: Annick Ramp / NZZ)

The latest issue of Züri-Fäscht has attracted many visitors to the lakeside promenade. (Photo: Annick Ramp / NZZ)

Two million visitors from all over Switzerland celebrated the year 2016 at the Züri-Fäscht for three days. But despite the strong rush and the peaceful celebration, the organizers were plagued by financial worries after the show. According to Züri Fäscht's chairman, Albert Leiser, the funding for the 2019 edition needs to be changed. Otherwise, we could not guarantee the future of the great event.

The organizers of Züri-Fäscht and Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) agreed on an important solution, as stated in a joint communication. This is about the night supplement. Normally, each train traveler has to pay an additional 5 francs from one in the evening. Due to the large crowd expected, however, the ZVV in 2016 could not get the contract. The organizers therefore had to pay 850 000 francs to the transport association after the last edition. All based on a decision of the Governing Council of Zurich

Mobile Stands and Announcements

The agreement now states that event visitors must pay a mark-up of five francs in addition to the ticket of public transport from 1 pm. In return, the Züri-Fäscht CO wants to reduce beverage prices by 50 cents. Instead of 7 francs, a beer should cost 6.50 at the next edition. We are convinced that a fair and pragmatic arrangement was thus found, it is said in the message.

For the manufacturers of Züri-Fäscht, the agreement with the ZVV also means the solution of the financial problems. It comes back in the budget, says Andreas Hugi, who took over the media work for the occasion. A structural deficit can not be ruled out. In addition, the contributions of the city and the canton of Zurich must not be increased. "So with the increase in sponsorship efforts, it looks good," says Hugi.

How exactly can the payment of the night supplement be controlled is still not clear. ZVV is currently working according to its own statements on a concept for the "biggest Swiss show". The survey remains a challenge. The organizers of Züri-Fäscht want to support the sale of supplements overnight with stands and mobile ads

Frisson and good mood

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