Zurich: In Neugasse area of ​​SBB, there is more affordable housing – all over the country


100% nonprofit residential and commercial space on the Neugasse near the railway line in the 5th district of Zurich: This is the demand for a popular initiative submitted by the association Noigass. The city should buy the SBB the 29,000 square meters and more than four large football fields for this purpose or under the Building Act.

Apartments "with limited prices"

Originally, the SBB planned to rent a third of the 375 apartments provided for this purpose and to rent two-thirds for the market rent. Today, they meet the initiators: besides the 125 cooperative apartments, they would offer as many apartments at limited prices, said yesterday the director of real estate CFF Jürg Stöckli in front of the media. But he said: "We are not ready to sell a whole so central area". Finally, SBB should co-finance their infrastructure and pension fund with real estate income.

Mauch welcomes the offer

Rent, he explained by an example. Thus, a 3-room apartment of 75 square meters per month would cost 1850 francs. More details would be agreed contractually in the implementation of the proposal. According to Stöckli, if this solution is not applied, the area could be fallow for years.

Mayor Corine Mauch (SP) said that the Zurich City Council welcomed SBB's offer. Now the council is on the train: According to the proposal of the city council, it should develop a proposal for the implementation of the CFF compromise proposal. If this was later accepted by the city's parliament, the initiative would be considered fulfilled.

No one-to-one

But Parliament can also bring initiative and a counter-proposal to the people. Director of the building, André Odermatt (SP), however, stressed that the popular initiative would not be feasible, since SBB do not want to give completely to the region.

The Council now has until December 21 to comment. Initial reactions show that there is always a need for clarification. The CFF compromise proposal goes in the right direction, writes the SP in their statement. It was far from the demand for 100% nonprofit residential and commercial spaces in the Neugasse region. The SP, the largest party in the city's parliament, will review the new plans, and then decide whether this will serve as a basis for support.

Partially Satisfied Initiatives

Likewise expressed the Greens and the AL, which with the SP have a majority in parliament. Evtixia Bibassis, member of the board of the Noigass Association, said on request: "We are delighted that the City Council is taking the request seriously and that the SBB is moving." We still do not know what the limited rents mean and how long they should apply. Now we have to wait and see what the city council will do with the proposal

SBB should make their contribution

The Noigass association is based on the fact that SBB received the land cheaply there 100 years ago. Therefore, it is legitimate that they should now help to increase the proportion of non-profit housing in the total urban housing stock as decided by the voters of the city of Zurich to one-third. (Regional newspapers of Zurich)

Created: 12.07.2018, 18:30

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