#Trending #Biology project # Biology assignment || BIOLOGY PROJECT / ASSIGNMENT OF TISSUE CULTURE.

[ad_1] This video deals with data to write and stick in a BIOLOGICAL PROJECT or a BIOLOGICAL ASSIGNMENT on the subject TISSUE CULTURE … विडियो टिशू कल्चर विषय पर प्रोजैक्ट / बायोलोजी असाइनमेंट का है.? Do not forget to Like?Share? And subscribe … activate Bell? notification I hope that I could help you all … … Read more

The virus that kills drug resistant superbugs

[ad_1] Antibiotic-resistant bacteria kill 23,000 people each year in the United States, and the United Nations estimates that by 2050, more people will die from antibiotic-resistant infections than die from cancer. Discovered 100 years ago, bacteriophage-viruses that eat bacteria could provide an answer. But phage therapy has been approved for human use only in the … Read more