Reckless Viral Video of Silawan High School Students I Climb the Flag at Apple's 73rd Anniversary

[ad_1] BeritaKupang_Joni, 14 years old, 7th year of I Silawan High School, Belu District, NTT, desperately risked her life for climbing a 26-meter mast after breaking the Indonesian flag on Motaain Beach. Her heroic action was immediately viral and garnered praise from various parties. The video of Jonny's heroic action taken by a number of … Read more

Reckless women in viral video released handlebars while playing mobile phone as fast engine

[ad_1] TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Recently distributed a video showing a woman performing desperate actions while driving a motorcycle. The amateur video went viral in social media uploaded by Facebook account Yuni Rusmini on Friday (23/06/2018) and watched over 10 thousand users. The woman in the video rides a red duck motorbike without wearing a helmet. There … Read more