Viral motorcyclists enter the toll road, that is the answer Jasa Marga #Waspadaonline #viral

[ad_1] Motorcyclists of viral video enter the toll road, It Response Jasa Marga #Waspadaonline #videoviral #toljagorawi #jasamarga – A viral video recording the desperate actions of impoverished motorists entering the Jagorawi toll road. The action was then perpetuated by a passenger car. This video was first uploaded via Instagram Stories @aliiif. In the short … Read more

Viral video damage money exchange room in Cilegon, the artist excuses #waspadaonline #cilegon

[ad_1] Virtual District of Viral Video Damage Exchange at Cilegon, the artists excuse themselves #waspadaonline #cilegon #polrescilegon #indozone #infoanda – In the video circulating in the medsos, it seems that the authors have damaged the money changer that was later owned by Durwanto. The actor who claimed to call Misrulloh then excused himself. "I … Read more

Viral video damage money exchange room in Cilegon, the artist excuses #waspadaonline #cilegon

[ad_1] Virtual District of Viral Video Damage Exchange at Cilegon, the artists excuse themselves #waspadaonline #cilegon #polrescilegon #indozone #infoanda – In the video circulating in the medsos, it seems that the authors have damaged the money changer that was later owned by Durwanto. The actor who claimed to call Misrulloh then excused himself. "I … Read more