Lake on Mars Challenge to solve puzzles creatures.


In the past, Mars or the red planet. Neighbors in our solar system It is hot and humid due to the presence of important water sources, which are highlighted by lagoons and arid valleys that have water marks, as well that phenomena of liquid water.

Recently, planetary scientists from the space agency in Italy Data collected from May 2012 to December 2015 using the MARSIS radar mounted on the spacecraft Mars Express European Space Agency Radar signals penetrate into the ice under the surface of Mars. He found a large lake south of the planet, 1,550 meters deep, with a diameter of about 20 kilometers and a triangular area with rounded corners

. It is possible that this ancient source of water may favor living organisms such as microbes, and that the lake is similar to the lakes under the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland on our planet. In Mars Lake, temperatures are below normal, and salinity is high. What kind of creatures have developed on Mars and have survived to this day? This is not even a living creature. It's a challenge to find the answer.

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