Who missed 269 years !!! Mars is getting closer to the Earth in 15 years (July 30, 2018)


March has moved to its nearest position (between 17:30 and 15:00 on July 30 in Thailand) at 57.6 million kilometers and will be back in position. 269 ​​years ago

The reason Mars is getting closer to Earth is a special distance of 400 million km from the pole, caused by the tilt of 25 degrees in the speaker.

The closer the distance is, the more it will be visible to Mars, to the naked eye, until another time, before returning to a normal distance of 400 million kilometers.

The phenomenon of Mars near the Earth occurred in 2003 for the first time in nearly sixty thousand years. It is closer to 55.68 million miles, and NASA explained further. As Mars gets closer, it will have to wait.

And here is the image of Mars yesterday (July 30, 1918)

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