The hospital shares the poor test results, a woman discovers decades later


(KWQC) – She passed the test to save her life, but when the results were positive, it changed her life forever. Decades later, she learned that the results were wrong. Christa Dubill warned a woman before it was too late.

Maureen Boesen has always known that the risk of cancer is high in her family. Because of their family background, Maureen and her sisters participated in a research study at a Midwestern university.

They could receive the results of their DNA tests when they turn 18 years old. The sisters will each have their results at 21 years old. One was negative for the deadly genetic mutation. Two returned positive, including Maureen.

She was devastated.

Maureen therefore decided to undergo a double preventive mastectomy at age 23. She is married. Had three children. Never able to breastfeed. But the gene also affects the ovaries.

Before this operation, the insurance wanted a new DNA test. Everyone knew it would come back positive. Except that it was not the case.

She had another test. It was negative.

Maureen obviously did not undergo hysterectomy. The university where the original research was done is now testing Maureen's DNA again. We expect her to get the results of this fourth test every day.

The type of genetic test that Maureen has done is generally recommended when certain types of cancer develop in a family and that a gene mutation is suspected.


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