The impact of coronavirus lockdowns on children’s mental health


Are Coronavirus Locks Affecting Children’s Mental Health?

COVID-19 is on the rise again in the United States, with the nation surpassing 11 million cases on Sunday. The increase has led officials in some states, such as Michigan and California, to impose another round of lockdowns in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the mental health of America's youth.  A recent CDC found that mental health-related emergency room visits for children 18 and under have increased this year.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the mental health of America’s youth. A recent CDC found that mental health-related emergency room visits for children 18 and under have increased this year.

The effects on mental health are just one of the ways the coronavirus has impacted Americans. The first wave of lockouts in the spring took a toll on the mental health of many, with suicidal thoughts among American adults nearly doubling in June, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 18-24 age group was one of the most affected, with 25% reporting thoughts of suicide.

Authors at the time highlighted social isolation, unemployment, financial problems, and lack of school structure as possible stressors for many people of coronavirus age.


In pushing back Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to temporarily suspend in-person learning at high schools and colleges across the state, Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump’s coronavirus advisor, told Martha MacCallum, the host of “The Story With Martha MacCallum,” Monday night that he “disagreed” with the decision, citing the possible effects on mental health as a major concern.

“I don’t want to see the figure that one in four American college students, aged 18 to 24, thought about killing themselves in June because of the lockdown,” he said, referring to the report from the CDC mentioned above. (Atlas also noted that lockdowns are the “declared tragedy” among the elderly.)

Aside from young adults, the pandemic has also affected the mental health of even younger Americans, with a more recent CDC report released on Nov. 13 finding that mental health-related emergency room visits in children aged 18 years and under have increased this year.

These emergency department visits – which are “often the first point of care for children’s mental health emergencies,” according to the CDC – began to increase in April and remain high through October, the CDC found. federal agency.


“Compared to 2019, the proportion of mental health-related visits among children aged 5 to 11 and 12 to 17 increased [by] around 24% and 31%, respectively, ”the CDC said in the report noting that“ monitoring indicators of children’s mental health, promoting adaptation and resilience, and expanding access services to support children’s mental health are essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. “

“We need to recognize and address the impact of lockdowns and school closings on children’s mental health,” Dr. John Whyte, chief medical officer of the WebMD healthcare website, told Fox News in an email. .

“Many parents report behavioral problems that their children have not had before. This is probably the result of the loneliness, anxiety and anger that many children experience, ”he continued, noting that some studies have shown an increase in sleep disturbances in children from the start. of the pandemic.

“Children often have more difficulty expressing their emotions than adults and that is why we see these physical manifestations linked to a decrease in children’s mental well-being,” he added.

“The vast majority of young people will be resilient in the face of even severe stress or trauma,” Dr. Tali Raviv, associate director of the Center for Childhood Resilience at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, told Fox. . News when discussing the signs a child may be in mental distress and how to help him. “However, some children can experience lasting effects on mental health. This becomes more likely if they have experienced a direct threat to their own safety (such as not having enough food or stable shelter, being very ill themselves, or seeing a loved one who is very ill) or sustaining a death or a loss due to the coronavirus. “


“Children with pre-existing mental health problems are also at greater risk of having longer lasting mental health problems,” she added.

Raviv recommended ensuring physical and emotional security, establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, and supporting and teaching skills to cope with and regulate emotions as key ways to help children cope. in these uncertain times.

“Parents should observe their child’s behavior and notice changes so they can support their adjustment,” she advised.


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