The National Academy of Sciences is geared towards the elimination of sexual harassers


The National Academy of Sciences has taken a major step today to eliminate sexual harassers when its members, at its annual meeting, voted in favor of adopting a new amendment that would allow the organization to kick out people violating his new code of conduct seriously. However, this vote is not the final verdict: we still have to weigh all the members of the SIN, a process that should end in mid-June.

The National Academy of Sciences, or NAS, was founded in 1863 and is one of three academies that make up the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. Together, they perform massive research analyzes and produce reports to help "solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions," according to their website. One of them, published last year, reported that women in the scientific, technical and medical fields face widespread sexual harassment in academia.

according to Nature, this amendment concerns only the National Academy of Sciences. And this comes almost a year after neuroscientist BethAnn McLaughlin launched an online petition to remove SIN members, "who have been sanctioned for sexual harassment, retaliation and assault."

The new amendment, if finalized, could help the National Academy of Sciences cope with the known sexual stalkers in its ranks. There have been several, according to Scientific Magazine. The list includes Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California at Berkeley, "who was found guilty of violating the sexual harassment policy on campus between 2001 and 2010". Buzzfeed News revealed in 2015. The amendment would also cover other forms of misconduct described in the code of the National Academy of Sciences, such as forgery of scientific data, plagiarism, harassment and discrimination.


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