The secret oatmeal trick for a flat stomach, says dietitian


If you had to pick one breakfast food to eat every morning for the rest of your life, consider oatmeal. While oatmeal doesn’t sound as exciting as a donut or a box of sugary cereal, it’s loaded with all kinds of healthy nutrients that help your body lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and even your blood. longevity. Plus, when you follow this secret oatmeal trick, this beloved breakfast food can even help give you a flat stomach!

However, although eating oatmeal is great for the health and longevity of your body, if you are not careful, eating too much oatmeal can cause uncomfortable bloating due to the high amount of fiber. in the breakfast dish. that’s why the secret trick of oatmeal for a flat stomach is to distribute it well and choose toppings that are low in sugar.

Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, and author of Finally full, finally thin, agrees that oatmeal is a “good breakfast” for a flat stomach, but “it’s super easy to overdo it, overeat and add too many toppings.”

In order to avoid this easy oatmeal trap, Young gives some tips on how to prepare your oatmeal the right way for a flat stomach all day.

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woman making oatmeal
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Pay attention to your serving size“Young says.” Aim for about 1 cup of cooked oatmeal. “One cup of cooked oatmeal usually equals about 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal in 1 cup of liquid.

Regarding the choice of a liquid, Young says, “It’s good to do it with water, skimmed milk or unsweetened vegetable milk. “She doesn’t recommend choosing to cook oatmeal with whole milk or plant-based milk with added sugar since it easily adds the amount of fat in the sugar in your oatmeal.

Once the oatmeal is cooked, adding toppings helps give it extra flavor. The majority of prepackaged oatmeal is full of added sugars, which don’t give you a ton of nutritional value. Instead, cooking plain oatmeal at home and mixing in healthier oatmeal toppings will ensure your tummy stays flat for the rest of the day.

Young recommends adding fruit to give it a milder flavor. “Enjoy fruits like apples and blueberries“Said Young.” I love slicing the apple and baking the apple with the oatmeal. “

Nuts are also a great option for giving your oatmeal an extra crunch.

Enjoy nuts as a garnish-nuts or flaked almonds. Aim for 2 to 3 tablespoons, said Young.

But be careful! Nuts, as well as nut butter, are easy to overdo because they are high in calories.

“Although they’re healthy, because they’re high in fat, the calories add up,” Young explains. “Aim for no more than 1/4 cup.”

Finally, Young recommends sprinkle with cinnamon or add a hint of vanilla to give your oatmeal an extra flavor without adding more calories or added sugar.

“It’s nice to supplement with cinnamon and vanilla,” Young says. “Just skip the table sugar, which is empty calories.”

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