The video of Viral, here is the boy who climbed the red and white pole at the 73rd anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Unexpected events occurred in the middle of the commemoration of the 73rd anniversary of Indonesia's independence at Pos Lintas Batas, Atambua, NTT.

This morning, Friday (17/08/2018), the hook on the mast was problematic.

Flag breeders can not raise the flag.

However, unexpectedly, a boy got out of the line and ran in the middle of the field towards the mast.

He immediately set the pole at the top for the participants to marvel.

The brave boy named Johannes Adekalla, or colloquially named Joni, as reported by on Twitter @Kemlu_RI on Friday.

Joni is a Grade 7 student at Silawan 1 Middle School, Tasifeto Timur, Belu, NTT.

A portrait of Joni in white and blue uniform standing near the Belu Regent Ose Luan without wearing shoes in the first picture and black shoes in the second picture.

It is known that the video showcasing the heroic action of Joni has been viral on social media.

Participants at the ceremony behind the camera expressed their concern and support.

"Hold him, hold him, hold him, hold him first, again," said a man.

"Come down, brother," the voice of the man said with a speaker.

When Joni reached the top of the pole, the applause of the participants boomed.

"Damn, it's sad, I'm so moved," the voice of the woman behind the camera said.

When Joni came down from the pole, he was greeted by soldiers and soldiers.

The video is uploaded to Ika Silalahi's Facebook account and has been distributed over 196,000 times.

"Never consider yourself small and useless.

This little boy from Atambua gets on the mast to pick up the end of the rope that is released when the flag is spread.

Whatever happens, red and white must continue to fly !!

Dirgahayu my country, "he wrote.

See the video above. ( Padmasta EW).



38 thoughts on “The video of Viral, here is the boy who climbed the red and white pole at the 73rd anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia”

  1. Apa gak bangga Ibu Pertiwi memiliki anak sangat berani dan berjiwa nasionalisme tinggi, meskipun disaat yang sama masih banyak yang terus menjadi pengamat politik dan sosial dadakan dengan tendensi yang buruk? Bangga dengan adik ini, semoga kelak menjadi bagian tertinggi dan terbesar di tanah air ini, setinggi titik yang hari ini kau capai, sebesar itu pula keberanian dan nasionalisme. Amin #Indonesia #IndonesiaBisa #IndonesiaJaya #IndonesiaRaya #17Aug #DirgahayuRI #RI73

  2. mantap.
    anak NTT
    Aku bangga sama dirimu
    berani mempertarungkan nyawamu sendiri.

    yah yang kaya gini yg cocok di undang di TV swasta.
    bukan artis TIK TOK.
    ada maafaat apa undang yg ngga jlz kaya mrk.

    mau undang itu kaya gini mohon ya TV swasta yg ada dalam negeri ini
    lain kali yg teliti undang orang kaya artis tik tok yg ngga jlzz.

    Aku bangga sama kamu
    adikku sayang NTT bagian silawan perbatasan TIMOR LESTE

  3. Terharu sekaligus bangga padamu nak . Engkau pejuang sejati yang berani dan tak putus asa . Tekadmu telah berhasil memjadikan bendera Merah Putih dpt berkibar Kembali .
    Semoga tercapai segala impian & Cita2mu nak . Amin .

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