This coffee drinking habit may help your heart, new study finds


Many studies show that coffee provides benefits for the heart, although research also shows that coffee brewed in certain ways can provide the greatest effects. A new study has identified a particular type of coffee for its potential to prevent cardiovascular disease. Here’s what an international team of researchers found.

For a study published this month in the journal ESPEN Clinical Nutrition (published by the Clinical Society of European Nutrition and Metabolism) Greek and Algerian researchers, all specializing in cardiovascular health or nutrition, began by recognizing that regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

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The aim of this particular study was to examine the effects of instant coffee on the development of heart disease. To do this, the researchers collected data from 1,041 male and female participants aged 39 to 67 (with an average age of 53.6 years). On this sample, the researchers report that 30% of the individuals “usually consumed instant coffee”.

instant coffee crystals in spoon with glass jar
Kanyarat Ngamjunyaporn / Shutterstock

In a first calculation, they found that instant coffee consumers had lower systolic blood pressure. (However, after adjusting for several factors, the research team found that this may not be a completely foolproof measure.)

Additionally, they found that instant coffee consumption was associated with carotid arterial compliance (which, according to a 2008 study published in Nature, is healthy elasticity in the carotid artery, serving as a marker of cardiovascular well-being).

In conclusion, the researchers of the present study report that “the usual moderate consumption of instant coffee” is associated with the elasticity of the arteries and therefore may also be associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease.

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