This eating habit speeds up the aging of your brain, study finds


We’ve all been told that indulging in sweet, fried, and processed foods can derail progress while dieting. But a new study highlights the serious health risks that come with this easy eating habit – and it may actually negate the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Posted in Alzheimer’s and dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association On January 7, 2021, the study looked at the effect of “Western” foods on older people. These include fried foods, sweets, red and processed meats, high-fat dairy products. Following a strict Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, olive oil, nuts, seeds and legumes and limiting other types of foods is equal to the brain being 5.8 years younger, scientists have found. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods To Eat Right Now.)

The 5,001 participants had been following the Mediterranean diet for almost 20 years. The three of them filled out a form detailing how often they ate 144 foods. The scientists found that “participants with slower cognitive decline over the years of follow-up were those who adhered the most to the Mediterranean diet, as well as the limiting foods that were part of the Western diet, while participants who ate more of the Western diet had no beneficial effect healthy food components in slowing cognitive decline. “

Similar results are found in studies of other diets like DASH, says one of the study’s authors, Puja Agarwal, PhD, nutritional epidemiologist and assistant professor in the department of internal medicine at Rush Medical College.

“Other studies show that red and processed meat, fried foods, and low consumption of whole grains are associated with higher inflammation and faster cognitive decline in older people,” says Agarwal, according to ScienceDaily. “The more we can incorporate green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, berries, olive oil and fish into our diets, the better it is for our aging brain and body.”

For tips on how to cut back on ‘western diet’ foods and get the most out of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, here are 33 easy, plant-based recipes that even carnivores will love and 15 Mediterranean diet substitutes for your favorite meals.

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