Welcome to the Top 100 viral videos of JukinVideo 2017! We have collected the best videos of this year and are ready to offer them. From bear attacks to scary clams, playful pranks to childish disasters and everything in between, discover the top 100 for the craziest, craziest and most memorable videos of the year. Tell us what your favorite was in the comments!
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Thanks for watching! Check out our other Top 100 countdowns!!
Top 100 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOu_7vyOZFU
Top 100 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGeGvibHBvE
Top 100 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DtZosgMOs0
13:04 #50 Not a clam, it’s a goeyduck.
#96 XD
They did you wrong
1:23 who else heard “my daddy’s big dick
21:54 broke my heart ???
that was the longgest youtube video i actually watched without skipping lol
Poor mouse at 8:22
3:19 the duckies are cute! ???
the cramp one happened to me but on my foot it hurt solo bad like you won't want one
15:55 is a picture of a jet if paused. Is that a blue angels jet?
the surprise kitten one the girl is OVERREACTING SOOO MUCH shes like oh my goooood! SOB SOB SOBS SOB SOB ABOUT A MILLION TIMES
the first one… I couldn't breathe
Sub to channel
The paintball tanks…….
I'm crying because I want to do that so badly
The last one the seal was like gotcha bitch
3:25 LMAO??
That duckling one is so cute! Love
I needed a time waster and this was perfectttt
8:22 I could not stop laughing! That was way to funny
28:56 R.I.P sunglasses
0:53 when you meet a ugly person and your like NOPE??
That Last one was freaky
On That Mouse One, It Was TOTALLY HALARIOUS!! (I peed My Pants On Dat Part lol ????)
Did they really blur out the snakes face?
Did any one catch the girl say and on our vaginas too (real life canvas)
The little guy is gonna love drugs if he loves falling down. Hey MR BUILD on Amazon books by Kathy Evans and Steven Kreg is top 100 books!! Better then good and NOT just a love story.
1:04 lol I feel so bad
27:34 queue epic music
17:26 massive respect to him guys
The suprise kitten one looks like my kitten toastie
Omg that father
26:16 was So funny ??
7:21. You hit me yeah ok I think we all know the right answer
great video
dont click on this blue text>>> #kredzii
8:21 I'm the mouse and the girls are people who hate me XD
I thought snakes lay eggs?..
26:24 That baby has seen some shit
2:40 to 2:45 got me
At 1:29 o no no no look at the top of her head
#10 I've seen a lot
26:29 when you realize Hammond is a hamster and not a monkey
18:38 and den our baginas