Top 100 viral videos of the year 2017


Welcome to the Top 100 viral videos of JukinVideo 2017! We have collected the best videos of this year and are ready to offer them. From bear attacks to scary clams, playful pranks to childish disasters and everything in between, discover the top 100 for the craziest, craziest and most memorable videos of the year. Tell us what your favorite was in the comments!

Visit Parts 1 to 4 of the Top 100 for original video links!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

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JukinVideo is the first community channel of viral videos dedicated to the presentation of the most popular UGC videos on the Web. We love the videos and find the best videos to share with you, from failed videos to the ice bucket challenges, to the football tricks and reactions of a baby to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team browses the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and the hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first!

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