Trump opposes NASA's efforts to return to the moon


President TrumpDonald John TrumpKey figures that the report Mueller related to Russia was a source of information of the State Department De Blasio: We talk too much about the dismissal of Democrats De Blasio: We talk too much about the removal of Democrats MORE Friday, NASA should not focus on the moon despite the support of his own administration to this effort, saying that the agency should instead give priority to "much bigger things" like going to Mars.

"Despite all the money we spend, NASA should NOT talk about going to the moon, we did it 50 years ago," the president said from Air Canada, then that he was returning home after a week in Europe.

"They should focus on the much bigger things we do, including Mars (which the Moon is part of), Defense and Science!" he added.

The moon is not part of Mars. Trump was perhaps referring to the exploration of the moon for the more general purpose of reaching Mars and beyond, as detailed in NASA's "Moon to Mars" web page.

The president's tweet on Friday contradicts his own administration's desire to return to the moon.

Trump signed a directive in December 2017 that officially ordered NASA to focus on returning humans to the moon.

Less than a month ago, Trump had announced the update of its draft budget to include $ 1.6 billion for NASA to focus on space exploration. The president said in the tweet of May 13 that the country "was returning to the moon, then to Mars".

Vice President Pence, head of the White House Space Council, announced in March that the Trump administration was committed to landing US astronauts on the moon in five coming years.

The vice president said that the Trump administration had ordered NASA to reach its five-year goal "by all means necessary".

The exploration of space is at the heart of the Trump administration. The president signed a decree in July 2017 to revive the National Council of Space after more than two decades.

In addition to exploration, the administration sought to develop a military component known as Space Force.


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