Type 2 Diabetes: The Best Drinks to Reduce Blood Sugar


Type 2 diabetes is a condition that prevents the body from reacting properly to inulin – a hormone that the body makes to control the amount of glucose in the blood. As a result, a person's blood sugar level may become too high, causing symptoms such as the need to go to the bathroom more often, weight changes and blurred vision. If the blood glucose is not controlled properly and remains too high, complications can occur, including kidney failure, nerve damage, heart disease and stroke. So what can you do to control your blood sugar?

One way to manage blood sugar is to have a healthy diet and to minimize sugar, fat and salt.

Experts also believe that it is important to have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, and not to skip meals.

So, at the time of the first meal of the day, breakfast, what should you consider eating and drinking?

According to the NHS, nothing prevents you from eating to control your blood sugar, but it has been found that some drinks have hypoglycemic properties.

L & # 39; water

When it comes to hydration, water is one of the best drinks to consider at breakfast and throughout the day.

According to Gudrun Jonsson, author of Gut Reaction and Dietetic Consultant for Nibble Protein, water is the ideal drink to fight high blood sugar levels because it has no heat value or additives.

He said: "Drinking more water will help your kidneys to eliminate excess sugar in your system through the urine."


Black tea and green tea have been found to help type 2 diabetes in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

As part of the research, black tea and green tea were given to diabetic rats for three months.

In addition to the inhibition of diabetic cataract, it was found that tea had a hypoglycemic effect.

The researchers wrote: "Black tea and green tea are a potentially inexpensive, non-toxic and, in fact, enjoyable solution. [blood-sugar-lowering] agent.

"Tea can be a simple and inexpensive way to prevent or delay human diabetes and its complications."


According to a 2012 study, coffee consumption may reduce a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The researchers found that the level of risk was even lower for participants who drank two to three cups a day, and this was also true for those who drank four or more cups a day.


A study published in the Journal of Dairy Science reveals that the consumption of milk at breakfast lowers blood sugar throughout the day.

Douglas Goff, Ph.D., and the team of scientists from the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit at the University of Guelph, in collaboration with the University of Toronto, examined the effects of high-protein milk consumption at breakfast on blood sugar and satiety after breakfast. after a second meal.

Milk consumed with breakfast cereals reduced the postprandial blood glucose concentration relative to water, and a high concentration of milk protein reduced the postprandial glucose concentration in the blood compared to a normal dairy protein concentration.

The high protein treatment also reduced appetite after the second meal compared to its low protein counterpart – a loss of appetite can help weight loss, a risk factor for diabetes type 2.

Tomato juice

Low-level inflammation is a contributing factor to insulin resistance, especially in overweight people.

The authors of a study published in June 2013 by the British Journal of Nutrition found that overweight and obese women felt reduced inflammation after drinking about a cup and a half of tomato juice a day for three weeks.


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