UAB will demand masks on campus again


With the increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the state, the University of Alabama at Birmingham will once again need masks on campus.

From Thursday, vaccinated and unvaccinated people will have to mask themselves in public places.

“We will continue to monitor key data with public health and infectious disease experts and update these temporary guidelines as necessary,” President Ray Watts said in a press release. “It is still extremely important that all eligible people are vaccinated as soon as possible so that we can end this wave and the pandemic. “

Read more: Alabama adds over 2,700 COVID cases in one day.

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can transmit COVID-19 and get sick from the virus, but vaccines are still effective in preventing people from becoming seriously ill or dying from the virus.

“Recent data shows that 97% of people hospitalized for COVID-19 are not vaccinated. In addition to the vaccine’s considerable health benefits, people vaccinated on campus can avoid inconveniences such as quarantine after close contact, ”Watts wrote, citing recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The university hospital is a regional center for critical cases of COVID-19. He was treating 26 children on Wednesday, an amount one health expert described as “frightening.” Hospitalizations statewide have skyrocketed.

The campus is trying several incentive programs to encourage students to get vaccinated. The campus does not require photography for students or staff.

Read more: Auburn offers incentives for vaccinations. Will they work?

As of Wednesday, masks remain optional, though unvaccinated people are encouraged to wear them, at other Alabama system campuses in Tuscaloosa and Huntsville.


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