Unique anti-HIV therapy eliminates the virus and kills it


Kick and Kill

HIV is a sneaky virus. It can hide in the immune cells of people taking daily antiretroviral therapy (ARVs), until the treatment is stopped to return with revenge.

This forces them to continue antiretroviral therapy – and cope with its many side effects – throughout their lives.

But now, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have developed anti-HIV immunotherapy that not only prevents the virus from hiding, but also removes it permanently – the first step, they say, of HIV vaccine.

"It's like the Swiss army knife of immunotherapies," researcher Robbie Mailliard said in a press release.

Double duty

In a study published Tuesday in the journal EBioMedicine, the Pitt team explains how she developed an immunotherapy called MDC1 to target both HIV and cytomegalovirus (CMV), a virus that infects 95% of people living with HIV.

"The immune system spends a lot of time controlling the CMV; in some people, one in five T cells is specific to this virus, "said researcher Charles Rinaldo. "That made us think: maybe cells specific to the fight against CMV are also a big part of the latent HIV reservoir. So we designed our immunotherapy not only to target HIV, but also to activate CMV-specific helper T cells. "

The plan worked, MDC1 detecting latent HIV in the infected blood and then killing it.

The team is now considering starting to seek funding for human clinical trials – in the hope of one day creating a vaccine that would allow people infected with HIV to stop taking their medications. per day.

READ MORE: Immunotherapy attacks the HIV virus by eliminating the common virus [UPMC]

More about HIV: A third patient would now be cured of HIV


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