United States has 13 million cases of Covid-19, its fourth million in November


The United States reached 13 million diagnosed cases of Covid-19 on Friday, another milestone in a riddled month.

It was the fourth such marker the country had in November, which recorded 3.8 million cases of the coronavirus. The United States is on track to total more than 4 million cases this month alone, more than double the previous record of 1.9 million cases set in October.

More than 264,000 people in the United States have died from the disease according to the NBC News tally.

The United States crossed the 12 million case threshold less than a week ago, on November 21.

The most recent million was fueled by an increase in the number of cases in Texas and Illinois, each having recorded more than 80,000 new cases or nearly 80,000 in the previous six days. More than half of the states had more than 10,000 cases during this period.

On Thanksgiving Day, Arkansas and Nebraska set single-day case records, in a wave that affected most of the country. Outbreaks have been reported everywhere from weddings to nursing homes, and if news of the vaccines brings hope, experts say it’s the first step in a long process.

The CDC had recommended that Americans avoid traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday, but US air travel hit a new pandemic peak on Wednesday, after peaking the previous weekend.

After urging residents to stay home, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock visited for the holidays.


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