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Greta Thunberg to Senators: "You try, but not loud enough. Forgiveness & # 39;

At a meeting of the climate change working group in the US Senate, lawmakers praised a group of young activists for their leadership and determination. They then asked the adolescents to make recommendations on how Congress could combat one of the most urgent global threats.

"Keep your praise, please, we do not want it," said Greta Thunberg, 16, a Swedish climate change activist. "Do not invite us here to tell us how inspiring we are without doing anything about it. It does not lead to anything.

"If you want advice on what you should do, invite scientists and ask for their expertise," she continued. "We do not want to be heard. We want science to be heard.

"I know you're trying, but not loud enough. Sorry, she said.

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"Save your praise please …" Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images

The audience laughed and the supporters applauded. Senator Ed Markey, the Masschusette Democrats who co-sponsored the Green New Deal and leads the task force, perhaps surprised by his outspokenness, smiled without getting upset.

"We need your leadership, the young people are the army politically, who has arrived in the United States," he told Thunberg. "You put a spotlight on this issue in a way that has never been before, and it creates a new X factor."

Thunberg was one of many young activists who spoke at a meeting in the bowels of the US Capitol during two days of action and speeches aimed at urging legislators to support " climate action to transform the climate ". She was accompanied by activists from all over the United States and South America who were participating in the "multiracial, intergenerational" effort to combat climate change.


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