Viral! Amateur video of passengers Second moments where the FATER Leatari boats to the front drowning in the Strait of Selayar, South Sulawesi
A ferry carrying dozens of four-wheelers and two-wheelers, reportedly drowned in the Selayar Strait, south of Sulawesi, Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
There are 120 people known to be passengers of the ship.
Ferry Boat named Motor Vessel (KM) Lestari left the port of Bira Bulukumba District in Selayar.
According to the information compiled by Terkini.id, the ship was leaking on the hull of the ship.
The car drifted
In addition, dhimpun information, mentioned that in the disaster, also drifted along the money of a value of Rp 30 billion.
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One of the passengers told the story, before the ship sank in the shallow waters, the buffaloes had been distributed buoys. So when sinking and sink, the passengers jumped with the buoy.
The ship is also temporarily in tandem with KM Bontoharu, so help us quickly. (current)
viral in
toba lake
km waking rays
nissa sabyan
the last news
(19459003) ship wrecked
https://youtu.be/JUJF17_O0mE kisah bowo
astagfirulllah aladzim…, saudara saudara ku disana semoga di beri kekuatan dan ketabahan
Nakhoda mamaklumatkan untuk semua penumpang memakai pelampung…tidak seperti di toba disuruh tenang tenang malah tenggelam banyak….sedih…
Salut juga kepada nelayan dan kapal serta perahu perahu kecil berjibaku berlimba untuk menolong disituasi ombak besar…memang tak heran warga sulsel sosialnya tinggi dan juga menguasai ketangkasan di laut…berlomba menyelamatkan …hebat
Ini baru nakhoda dan crew kapal luar biasa…mengambil keputusan tepat ke arah pantai dan mengkaramkan kapal agar penumpang selamat…harusnya begitu..ketika dicurigai kapal tak beres..maka nakhoda meminggirkan kapalnya menuju pantai terdekat….
Kasihan ya Allah
Pemerintah HARUS TEGAS LAGI CEK SEMUA KAPAL.layak atau tidak.apabila cuaca buruk jgn di berangkatkan.NYAWA CUMA SATU.KAPAL yg tdk layak stop.operasi
Ngeri liat kalau kapal tenggelam anak anak yg kasihan sama ibu2 dan lansia
yg kmarin baru tabur bunga..datang yg baru lagi..y allah ampunilah dosa hamba2 mu yg tidak sempurna ini aamiin.
Ayoo jgn didalem keluar
Nyimak …like