Viral videos of TNI people at SEB service stations in North Sumatra, allegedly because they do not want to queue


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Video of a man suspected of being an TNI officer angry at SBPU's viral agents on social networks.

The video was initially uploaded by Lian Juntac Part II's Facebook account on Wednesday (22/08/2018).

The video recording of the video surveillance shows a man suspected of being a TNI who wanted to refuel his bike.

The man was with his wife who was behind.

According to information in circulation, a SBPU leader then asked the TNI person to stand in line.

Posted on the Facebook account of Eris Riswandi, the TNI and his wife would not have received it.

"What kind of motorcycle do you see," said the TNI's wife.

The gas station operator still did not want to serve the TNI staff to anger him.

The TNI woman got off the bike and insulted her until she spit on the woman.

In addition, it was found that the woman almost threw her glasses at the SBPU operator who then fled.

Meanwhile, another video shows the TNI staff in pursuit of the SBPU officer and kicking him.

The SBPU officer then hit the man, both had time to fight and fight.

The wife of a TNI member then struck the SBPU officer.

The crowd then tried to divorce them, the incident had become worrying.

Depending on the download, this event took place in Riau.

The post was viral and until this news was revealed, the post was distributed 10,000 times.

The news has caught the public's attention.

Many netizens criticized the actions of the TNI staff, but there were also those who pointed out the attitude of the service station agents.

Leonard Hutajulu: Anyone who violates the rules must be subject to sanctions, let alone to an official.

Enny Zunita Purba: spy on the TNI, follow the rules of the SPBU.

Rimba Tamba: the manager of the Songong gas station, the TNI has wrongly taken the queue, but the songong has been delivered.

Yudhi Pakpahan: Introduce yourself directly to propam, finish the army …

(Until this news is revealed, there was no information from the TNI regarding the incident.)

Check out the full video above! ( Widiastuti).



49 thoughts on “Viral videos of TNI people at SEB service stations in North Sumatra, allegedly because they do not want to queue”

  1. kenapa ya setiap orang punya jabatan TNI, POLISI atau PEJABAT sekarang banyak yang Arogan… Padahal gaji merekea Keciiil sekali ya PNS 5-10 jt aja sombong kalo gak korupsi gak bakal kaya lo.. kalah sama tukang sate sehari untung 2jt tukang pecel lele 1-2jt semalam kaya tapi gak sombong da uang halal… kita orang malah malu dijalan nurut dibentak petugas spbu suruh antrii malah kita tuh malu… Indonesia bahaya moral makin tidak berbudaya LAGi… Orang luar kenal indonesia dari RAMAH TAMAHNYA… eh di youtube terkenal Arogan Gak punya rasa malu dan kesopanan

  2. Sangat merusak citra dan nama baik TNI…. OKNUM TNI beserta Pasangannya mesti diperiksa juga karena tidak menasehati malah ikut marah2 terhadap pegawai spbu.. Sehingga memicu oknum tersebut menendang pegawai spbu…

  3. Emngnya lo siapa????arogan bgt lo pak,suami sama istri sama2 gak punya malu gak punya etika,budayakan mengantri apa karna lo TNI bisa seenak jidat lo aza,maen serobot,apa istimewanya lo tanpa akhlak yg baik…

  4. Bikin malu Institusi… Pasti nanti berita nya. Oknum tersebut stress atau ada gangguan jiwa. Tapi pertanyaan nya, orang stress atau ODGJ koq bisa bebas pake motor dinas ya.

  5. Kapendam I/BB Mengklarifikasi Kjadian Oknum TNI yang menendang Petugas SPBU di tanjung morawa

    Berdasarkan informasi yang diunggah akun tersebut, peristiwa terjadi di SPBU Tanjung Morawa, Sumatera Utara. Diduga, adanya mis komunikasi kedua belah pihak hingga sampai terjadi keributan tsb yg dilatar belakangi masalah antrian saat mau mangisi BBM, oknum pengendara motor plat dinas tsb lgsg antre disamping mobil,sehingga diingatkan oleh petugas SPBU yg kebetulan wanita, selanjutnya oknum memindahkan kendaraannya, sedang isteri ybs turun kendaraan, saat itulah terjadi selisih paham dan terjadi keributan , dimana petugas SPBU menegur dengan ketus dan cenderung kasar terlebih kpd pelanggan apalagi usianya jauh berbeda, sampai akhirnya oknum TNI AD tsb menendang petugas SPBU.

    Kepala Penerangan Daerah Militer (Kapendam) I/BB Letkol Inf Roy Sinaga membenarkan insiden tersebut saat dikonfirmasi.
    "Sesuai aturan semua anggota TNI sama dengan masyarakat umum dan tidak dibeda-bedakankan. Dan apabila melanggar aturan akan dikenai sanksi." kata Roy Sinaga.

    Saat ini pihaknya sedang mempelajari permasalahan tersebut. Selain itu, dirinya atas nama Kodam I/BB juga memohon maaf atas tindakan dan ulah oknum anggota tersebut dan juga berharap kejadian tsb tidak terulang, hendaknya masyarakat juga dapat berkata2 yg sopan dalam menegur seseorang terlebih para pengusaha penjual Jasa.

  6. Ini kelakuan seorang oknum udah kaya binatang,punya jabatan,udah kaya preman tingkah lakunya,mudah"pa jokowi liat tayangan ini,meskipun ini bukan keluarga sy,demi AllAH,sy gk ridho dunia akhirat,perempuan d aniyaya…

  7. Gambar mukanya knp di blur. Harus nya biarin aja keliatan mukanya. Bikin malu aja….
    Di didik jadi TNI bukan untuk semena2. Bukannya melindungi malah menyakiti….
    Tolong yg terhirmat BP PANGLIMA TNI, SEGERA DI USUT…

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