Virus (Fukkatsu no hi ????), literally Day of Resurrection is a post-apocalyptic science fiction film based on a novel written by Sakyo Komatsu. An aircraft carrying biological warfare accidents, causing the release of a deadly virus, killing the bulk of the world's population. A handful of surviving scientists are in a hurry to find a cure. Will they succeed? The film is notable for being the most expensive Japanese film ever made at the time. In English and Japanese
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Life is wonderful, yes, Christ is indeed wonderful. The Way to the Truth to have Life, Christ. Bless be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.
that was pretty fuckin good movie my japanese is a little rusty though
USA give radioactive virus to Japan 1945. Friendly isnt. 140 000 people dies. Almost all is been civilans.
Wasn’t edited properly .. Far to much drama : just like todays sci fi soap operas ..
Ala walking dead , falling skies and so forth ..
Had the potential to be a much greater movie ..
Desperately needed sub titles as much flavor was lost .
Re edit and use subtitles and you might have something ..
I’ve found that people today absolutely love sci fi soaps ..
I personally can’t stand them ..
Use only enough personnel development to keep the story going ..
I’m just not interested if Johnny’s gay or Jimmys a drug addict ..
It’s just extraneous baggage that ruins good sci fi ..
I've seen this movie I don't remember how many times and I love it. although unrealistic and flawed in many aspects (such as after an all out nuclear exchange between USA and Russia which would leave the entire planet utterly devastated with most life terminated within a few months and so much radiation spread everywhere through fallout that Joshizumi would never have made it out of Washington alive), it does reflect very strongly on how easily we humans can destroy ourselves. Not just as shown here through careless science, criminals or terrorists, but simply by accident as it nearly happened a few times during the cold war. We humans tend to think our military and politicians are on top of everything and so we remain completely oblivious to reality, sort of foolishly optimistic that everything is hunky dory and then one fine day reality hits us in the face and we find out the train has left the station.
I love that this film left a little bit of hope for humanity and for life in general at the end. I'm a hopelessly romantic and tend to think that in the end Love will save the day but whenever i start thinking that way, the realist in me takes over and tell me that I'm the one who's foolishly optimistic lol
This was really great.
No virus is 100% lethal. What crap.
Then there's women obediently being turned into sex slaves/brood mares. Followed by predicting an earthquake to within a month, it happening at the critical moment, and nukes being launched. Only stupid thing missing here was a polar bear attack in Antarctica.
Connor's acting is crap here.
This movie is best of i ever saw in apocalypsetic period..
Great movie..
Sounds like plague inc.
I have a feeling the government is already doing this.
Sooo do we see zoimbies or what
What are this movie name?
Great movie !! ? ? thx for upload!
Cool movie
Wonderfull, a pandemic movie – hope no laboratory are fools, in the real World.
The World will die, like this Nightmare.
And there are lots of fools, in the World.
It's great film
shit that was a great movie
walang magagawa ang mataas Na position kahit doctor ay d nakaligtas bakit ngayun lng Ito movie napanood ang galing ng the maker
How the hell did he not die from radiation poisoning. If anybody knows about radiation its the Japanese.
The government says we do not have any super bugs for use as weapons…The government also says"we are from the government,and we are here to help"…
@7:00 you are love toujours gai, mon cher
Impressive!! Very well done!
I speak English not Japanese they should let you know
On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness
by Arthur Guiterman (1871-1943)
The tusks that clashed in mighty brawls
Of mastodons, are billiard balls.
The sword of Charlemagne the Just
Is ferric oxide, known as rust.
The grizzly bear whose potent hug
Was feared by all, is now a rug.
Great Caesar’s bust is on my shelf,
And I don’t feel so well myself
This was a great movie back in the day, Day of Resurrection! Thanx for the upload!
There are TWO vastly different versions of this film. the USA version which is all USA, and the japanese version which is greatly different. This is the japanese cut. Story is GREATLY different is USA cut. Its on utube search for Virus 1980 Full Movie US Version
almost a lost gem.
Fucki ng USA,there fault,but good movie.nuke themselves could be okay.
Japanese actors are rubbish!!
Weaponised Smallpox is still stored by the tonnes by multiple countries. Even an attack by an "Old" biological weapon would result in millions of death as vaccine production would need to be massively increased. Infrastructure would rapidly collapse with losses in critical personal & chaos would ensue.
Very good movie for the time it was made, and thank you for putting this up for us to watch! These old movies can be hard to find.
It is better to see the video than to listen to the record. Kaori Masao is young.
Yeah… Life is wonderful… With-Out Psychopathic Fuck ~ Sticks in it < !
they use an american guy for a captain of a british sub, and the president is an english guy lol
Great movie! Thanks for the upload!
The only thing I wonder about this movie is why was there so much of it in Japanese ? Why wasn’t the entire movie in English? Did they not want us to know what they were saying for some reason? Just wondering.