Virus (1999) – All observations


All Insights from the Extraterrestrial Life Forms of Virus (1999)

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Monster Analysis is a series that allows you to have a good overview of all the shots for which you are going to the movies. Get a better overview of your favorite creatures and monsters from old and new movies with this epic series! And why not show your appreciation of the art of visual and practical effects by participating in the discussions in the comments where I and others share their theories, facts and anecdotes.
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01:49 – 03:10 – Immediate Music – Ultimatum
OST virus

Fantasy II movie effects –
Mirage Inc. – * STOP *
Pacific Title Digital –
Tippett Studio –
Video Image – * SHUTDOWN *
VisionArt –
Cinesite –

Acme Models – * DISSOLVED *
All Effects Company –
XFX Images – * SHUTDOWN *

Universal images –
Dark Horse Entertainment –
Mutual Company of Film –


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38 thoughts on “Virus (1999) – All observations”

  1. Virus (1999) – All Sightings

    Virus was a movie I seen shortly after Deep Rising. I adored it for the massive amount of practical effects work that went into it. Almost 30 studios were involved in the creation of these elaborate and often time huge animatronic creatures. The CG versions of the creatures were beautifully animated, such flowing and aggressive movement made them super threatening, the only down side was the lighting was a little off making them stand out a little too much.

    Despite that this has and always will be one of my favorite monster movies. It's got some solid acting in there especially from Joanna Pacula (the Russian scientist they find onboard). It's got charm, gore, scares and just a great fun film to watch.

    Movie Junkie

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