Walgreens Now Offers COVID-19 Vaccines in Oregon


Walgreens has been added to the list of pharmacies offering COVID-19 vaccines to eligible Oregonians.

Walgreens joins Albertsons, Safeway, Costco and Health Mart as Oregon pharmacies that receive weekly vaccine doses through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program.

Seniors in Oregon who were successful in scheduling drugstore appointments reported positive experiences after struggling to schedule appointments through the state’s immunization scheduling website on mass vaccination sites like the Oregon Convention Center or the Portland International Airport.

However, getting an appointment at a pharmacy remains difficult. Participating pharmacies across the state each receive only about 100 doses per week.

Walgreens said its pharmacies in Oregon received 8,190 initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine this week, but declined to provide a list of pharmacies that had received doses or to indicate the number of doses received by each store.

Eligible Oregonians wishing to make an appointment can visit Walgreens.com/ScheduleVaccine or call 1-800-Walgreens. However, there were no appointments available within 25 miles of Portland on Thursday morning.

Customers can also sign up to receive alerts from Walgreens about available vaccine appointments.

Oregon currently limits vaccine eligibility to healthcare workers, people living in nursing homes and other collective care facilities, teachers, and people aged 70 and over.

– Jamie Goldberg | [email protected] | @jamiebgoldberg


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