Wearing a mask during the coronavirus


This is a rapidly changing situation. For the most recent information, contact your local health and resource managers such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regularly. You can find a directory of state health services here. This story will be updated as new information becomes available.

  • Current CDC recommendations for effective mask wear include wearing a multi-layered mask or wearing a disposable mask under a fabric mask. The CDC also states that you should choose a mask or masks that fit your face perfectly.
  • The new recommendations come from new research, and experts point out that a high-quality, well-fitting mask, such as a KN95, works as well as two well-fitting cloth masks.
  • Want to make sure your mask has the best fit possible? A new video from UNC Health shows a tip that can improve the fit of a mask with earrings.

    It’s been almost a year since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, prompting the United States to implement widespread closures and mask-wearing warrants. As businesses open up, the masks are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Not only do masks keep others safe, but they can also help keep you healthy.

    CDC recommends wearing a mask with multiple layers or two masks – a disposable mask under a tight-fitting cloth mask – and keeping a distance of at least six feet from people who are not in your immediate household, to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and others illnesses, such as the flu.

    A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has found that modifying a behind-the-ear mask slightly, giving it a tighter fit to the face, can help become up to 20% more efficient. The better the fit, the better the filtration.

    UNC Health posted a video on its YouTube channel featuring Emily Sickbert-Bennett, Ph.D., director of infection prevention at UNC hospitals, showing this simple trick that can help make behind-the-ear masks tighter. (Sickbert-Bennett was one of the authors of the recent study on the effectiveness of masks.)

    This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website.

    This technique improves the fit of a surgical mask, according to the CDC. As shown above, simply tie the mask earrings where they meet the edge of the mask, then fold and tuck the unnecessary material under the edges.

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    As Runner’s World previously reported, your runs or workouts should be in areas where you can be alone or keep at least six feet between yourself and others to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. You should too wear a mask or carry a mask with you in case you meet other people and are unable to maintain social distancing.

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