What you need to know about the Delta variant


The Delta variant, considered highly contagious, has become the dominant strain of COVID-19 here in the United States. According to the CDC, it now accounts for 51% of reported cases.

“The Delta variant is a concern, similar to the other variants, as it is more transmissible and we are trying to determine whether it causes more serious disease or not. But the big concern is transmissibility – that if one person catches it, they could potentially spread it to more people, ”said Daniel Rhoads, section chief of microbiology for the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr Rhoads said researchers still have a lot to learn about the Delta variant. However, they know that the disease spreads quickly in unvaccinated people and can be quite severe in older people.

The symptoms of the Delta variant also appear to be different. People tend to have headaches, sore throats, and a runny nose, much like you would see with a cold.

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Rhoads said if you haven’t been vaccinated yet, now is a good time. The vaccine may not be completely foolproof, but it will give you the best chance of protection and lower your risk of hospitalization.

“The evidence is that if they are infected after being vaccinated, their illness is unlikely to be serious. It seems that vaccines are really effective in preventing serious illnesses. They are also very effective in preventing infections, ”he explained.

Rhoads said that while hospitalizations and the number of cases overall are down right now, he expects a further increase this fall as the Delta variant continues to spread.

Copyright 2021 by Cleveland Clinic News Service – All rights reserved.


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