Why Queen Elizabeth quietly admires Meghan Markle's breakthroughs


The press, in particular the British media, did not hesitate to criticize Meghan Markle for specific faux pasts, iconic hairstyles and dresses that appeared to violate the British royal protocol because of the fact that they were not in the UK. they were slightly too short. In some cases, the allusion is that the queen herself is upset by the Dutch trends in Hollywood.

Will Prince Harry, Meghan's husband, or Queen Elizabeth intervene to enforce their standards? And what does the queen really think about Meghan's rules?

Meghan Markle is she authoritarian?

It is true that Meghan starts her day very early in the morning and begins her correspondence and her schedule shortly after waking up. She seems to ask a lot of herself and those around her, such as support staff and assistance. But the simple fact is that she's been working for years to develop her acting career. The Duchess has long been the patron of her career, working tirelessly for the "Meghan Markle" brand. It is not surprising that she has now transferred this energy and intensity to her royal functions. And it is likely that the queen, who has a strong work ethic, appreciates this quality about Meghan.

Meghan Markle's Birth Plan Changes Royal Traditions

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had the idea of ​​giving birth in their new home: Frogmore House. Some reports suggest that Meghan will give birth at home and others speculate that she will go to a local Windsor hospital: the Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey. This is changing, as many members of the royal family, such as Princess Anne, Princess Diana and Kate Middleton, have given birth in the Lindo wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London and that Meghan has not intend to do the same.

Meghan Markle's relationship with Queen Elizabeth

Yes, Meghan may have respected some historic royal rules, but did she irritate Queen Elizabeth with her perfectionist personality? Both have a lot in common, so it is likely that the queen will be flexible in areas where Meghan chooses to create her own path.

The queen allowed Meghan to join the royal family's Christmas festivities in 2017 before Meghan was married to Harry, which is generally not considered acceptable. This is a strong sign that both are on good terms. What's more, the queen would like to have tea with Meghan and not say a word about the fact that the duchess wears dark nail polish or clothes to wear around the shoulder, two choices deemed inappropriate for royalty.

We would say that Queen Elizabeth is a strong and courageous woman. His success as a monarch; his dedication to his country and his bold and focused leadership are recognized. It may have been the same forces that led the queen to admire her grandson's wife who broke the rules.

Why the Queen admires Meghan Markle

Meghan's friends say she's one of the most sincere and genuine people they've ever met. They also consider it a "class act". Her fellow comedians also admire Meghan for her tenacity and hard work as she prepared to play an acting role.

The duchess was described as strong will and outspoken, as they say of Queen Elizabeth II. Meghan, in her royal role, is an active philanthropist and humanitarian, charitable organizations dedicated to the arts, animals, education and support of vulnerable women.

We understand very well why the queen admires the wife of his grandson. She is probably proud that Harry has found such a talented, intelligent and kind partner. Meghan, like her dead mother-in-law, tends to lead with her heart.

I do not trust the rules … I drive with the heart, not with the head. – Diana, Princess of Wales


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