When is snoring a sign of a serious health problem? : Coups


When is a snoring just annoying and when is it a sign of sleep apnea? Fortunately, they sound different.

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Aleksandra Shutova / EyeEm / Getty Images / EyeEm

When is a snoring just annoying and when is it a sign of sleep apnea? Fortunately, they sound different.

Aleksandra Shutova / EyeEm / Getty Images / EyeEm

It is estimated that 40% of American adults snore. And, men: you tend to snore women. (Yes, that may explain why you are beaten at night!)

And despite the myth that snoring is a sign of deep sleep, there is really no benefit.

"Snoring really does not prove anything good," says Erich Voigt, an ear, nose and throat doctor and sleep specialist at Langone Health in New York University. "You can have a deep and beautiful sleep in a quiet sleep."

Snoring is never good news, but it is often safe (other than the pain that your sleeping partner may feel). In some cases however, it is a sign of something serious.

When we sleep, if the air that passes through our nose and our mouth has a free passage, we can sleep in silence. But when the airways are narrowed, that's when we snore.

"Snoring is basically a tissue vibration inside the airways," Voigt explains – that is, the roof of the mouth and the vertical folds of the tissues that surround the tonsils.

Voigt explains that many factors can contribute to snoring. We can control some of the underlying triggers. For example, drinking alcohol is related to snoring. Alcohol tends to swell the tissues in the mouth and alcohol can also change the quality of sleep.

"Your brain is calmed by alcohol, so the combination can make you snore worse," says Voigt.

Overweight can also increase the risk of snoring. So when people lose weight, it reduces their snoring.

Other factors contributing to snoring may be beyond our control. There are physical obstructions, such as a large uvula or a deviated septum. In addition, allergies and upper respiratory tract infections can cause dislocation, swelling or stretching of the roof tissue of the mouth, Voigt explains.

So, when is snoring just annoying, and when is it a sign of a potentially serious problem? A light and rhythmic snoring – which remains fairly stable – is common and tends to be harmless. "It could be bad for the bed partner, but it's not a big health problem," says Voigt.

But when the snoring gets loud and irregular, it can signal a problem. So, if you are concerned about the person you are sleeping with, what should you listen to?

"A crescendo where snoring gets louder and louder," says Voigt, is the first sign. The crescendo is usually followed by periods of absence of sound, then a sigh that can sound like a sniff.

This type of snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a serious condition that can increase the risk of heart disease. What happens to people with this disease is that the airways will collapse on their own and close. "And while the person is trying to breathe, the air will not come in. That's what apnea is," says Voigt.

You can watch and listen to this YouTube video for a good demonstration of the sounds produced by a person with sleep apnea.

Listen to what normal snoring looks like at the beginning of this video. At the 1:10 minute, you hear the snoring and panting characteristics of sleep apnea.

David Oleniacz Videos

"During the first minute, he snores regularly and rhythmically," says Voigt. "Then, at the second minute, he pauses (apnea) or no longer breathes, followed by a big breath of air."

Often, people with sleep apnea do not wake up conscious and therefore do not know that they have a problem. So, if you sleep with someone who snores, you are well placed to help report the problem. Then it is best to have it checked by a doctor who can diagnose the problem.


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