With a surprise amendment, a state senator is trying to block Oregon's lottery entry into the Internet and mobile gaming


This morning, this morning was unusual before the Senate Standing Committee on Business and Government – and a state senator took an unusual approach to launch a major new Oregon lottery initiative.

The chair of the committee, Senator Chuck Riley (D-Hillsboro) wore a black Blazers jersey under his sports jacket. (Riley is a regular at the Blazers games and the team is facing a knockout tonight against the Denver Nuggets at the Moda Center.)

Adding to the casual atmosphere: the absence of the two Republican members of the committee, Sens. Alan Olsen (R-Canby) and Fred Girod (R-Stayton), who along with the rest of the Senate GOP Caucus benefit from the equivalent of The Executive Officers are trying to prevent the entire Senate from voting on Bill 3427, the $ 2 billion education funding program passed by the House.

Among the bills considered by the committee include: Bill 3389, which would allow winners of major multi-state lottery games such as Megamillions and Powerball to accept their winnings anonymously or to pay them into a trust that would not identify them.

As WW First reported, the Oregon Lottery, the second largest source of state revenue after personal income taxes, is under pressure to increase its consumption in the face of rising demand for public services. At the same time, the agency faces a demographic challenge: young Oregoners do not play as much as older Oregoners, and when they spend money, they want to spend it on the Internet and ideally with their phones.

"You have to evolve or die," said Oregon Lottery spokesman Matt Shelby. WW last year.

Portland lawyer, Darian Stanford, who wrote HB 3389, said he had heard of Riley 's amendment earlier this week and that he thought he had responded to Senator's concerns. But this morning, Riley introduced the amendment and his colleagues unanimously passed it and voted for the bill to be sent to the Senate.

"I was surprised," said Stanford WW.

He hopes to convince Senate leaders to send the bill to another committee for further consideration, rather than asking for a vote in the Senate.

Although the advocates of the money games spoke at the hearing this morning and that Riley feels personally embarrassed by the state's reliance on gambling, he states that his opposition to the state's access to the Internet and mobile games is more technical than philosophical.

Riley says that he introduced the amendment for two reasons: first, he fears that the Oregon Lottery has not found a way to prevent minor players from 39; access lottery games online or on the phone of their parents.

"I told them:" If you can find a way to protect yourself, it'll be fine, "says Riley. "I do not think their backups are foolproof."

Second, Riley said that Oregon Lottery officials had told him that the agency could advance online and mobile games without the approval of the Legislative Assembly. Riley did not like this statement.

"They said, 'We do not need your permission,'" Riley said. "I am a big supporter of legislative oversight of executive power."

A spokesman for the Oregon Lottery did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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