With the return of Tfue, Nickmercs and before the Galactus event, has Fortnite returned to its former glory?


The past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride for the Fortnite community. The game’s biggest event is near, and some of the most popular Fortnite players have returned to the game as well.

So far, these developments have been very beneficial for Fortnite. However, in a big picture, does that mean Fortnite will return to its former glory?

The popular 72hrs YouTuber also took notice of the series of events and spoke about their implications in a recent video:

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What prompted Nick, Tfue, Cloakzy and Tim to return to Fortnite?

Before speculating on the future of Fortnite, it’s important to understand the reason for the return of the veterans. The first notable entity to return to Fortnite was Tfue, while competing in a competitive tournament at Twitch Rivals.

However, his return to the game was just a promotional event as he later clarified that he was not excited to actually play the game.

After Tfue, several big names like FaZe Nickmercs, TimTheTatman and Cloakzy also returned to Fortnite. Apparently Nickmercs and TimTheTatman played along thanks to the efforts of SyhperPK, and it was a pleasure to see the famous trio playing together after so long.

Unlike Tfue, all of the other returning veterans enjoyed their return. Interestingly, Nickmercs and Cloakzy even promised their fans to fight for FNCS.

Is the return of Fortnite the result of the failure of Call of Duty Warzone?

Earlier this year, the majority of the aforementioned content creators left Fortnite for alternatives such as Call of Duty: Warzone. However, the trend seems to be changing, once again.

Much like Fortnite, content creators now criticize hackers in Warzone. The powerful SBMM system in Call of Duty’s latest title, Black Ops Cold War, also makes matters worse. Considering these factors, the reason for the return of these content creators is obvious.

However, the bigger question about the future of Fortnite remains. Due to its massive branding value, the Marvel-themed season was also one of the best seasons in the game, but assuming the future of Fortnite would be overkill.

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Looking back, just one good season and a few veterans might not be enough for Fortnite’s return. That said, a similar approach to Epic games for subsequent seasons could actually bring the game back to its glory.


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