Yes, waking up tired is one thing and here’s how to avoid it


We’ve all been there: after a night of turning and turning, you wake up to feel like you haven’t slept at all. You then find yourself struggling with the urge to go back to bed because you have to get the kids ready for school or attend an early work meeting. Many people experience morning sleepiness, which can make them feel tired throughout the day. And while sometimes it lasts for the first few moments you wake up, morning sleepiness can last longer. If you find that you are tired for an extended period of time throughout the day, it may be due to poor sleep the night before, says Dr Meredith Broderick of the Sound Sleep Guru. “There are many possibilities that people can wake up tired of,” Dr. Broderick tells SheKnows. “For some reason, they may not be getting enough sleep. “

It could be due to stress, jet lag, or poor sleep habits in general, but whatever the reason, it can impact your daily life, according to numerous clinical studies. To avoid this, Dr. Broderick suggests leading a healthy lifestyle. “Exercising, eating a healthy diet, maintaining ideal body weight, and having a regular sleep schedule can help fight waking up tired,” says Dr. Broderick. Read below for more tips on getting a good night’s sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

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Preparing the body for sleep

“Before going to bed, it’s important to engage in activities that will help with rest and relaxation and prepare the body for sleep,” says Dr. Kogan. These activities may include preparing for the next day – arranging clothes, dimming lights, and turning off electronics.

Avoid overly stimulating activities

Part of physically preparing the body for bed means avoiding cardiac activities such as exercising, watching violent / scary movies, getting ready for work or meetings. You don’t want to stimulate the mind before bed, so it’s best not to work on the computer or try to solve stressful problems. “We also want to avoid blue light devices such as televisions, phones and tablets 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime so that the brain does not receive mixed messages to be alert and awake when it is time to sleep,” explains the Dr Kogan.

Use a supplement

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For people who experience occasional sleeplessness, an over-the-counter supplement such as Sleep Soundly Ashwagandha from Sleep & Shine with melatonin capsules may help. “Sleep varies from person to person, but most people need 7-8 hours,” Dr Julia Kogan told SheKnows. “However, the quality of sleep is more important than the amount of sleep.” And Sleep & Shine capsules can help you achieve that. Because they are made from Shoden® Ashwagandha, a clinically tested form of Ashwagandha that has been shown to promote restful sleep, the capsules may help improve the quality of sleep and help you wake up feeling fuller. energetic accordingly *.

The benefits don’t end there. Sleep & Shine capsules are also made with a smaller amount of melatonin than what is commonly found in other supplements. Melatonin helps people fall asleep faster, but it will not improve the quality of sleep and may also leave users feeling groggy the next day. So, because Sleep & Shine only contains one milligram of melatonin, you don’t have to worry about a melatonin hangover ruining your day. This carefully crafted combination of melatonin and clinically tested Ashwagandha Shoden (R) will help you fall asleep faster, get better quality sleep, and therefore help you start the day feeling refreshed and better restored * .

Sleep and Shine capsules

Sleep and Shine capsules

Sleep & Shine, Ashwagandha with melatonin capsules

$ 11.88

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Do not consume caffeine or alcohol

While you might be tempted to drink a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage to help you fall asleep, researchers strongly advise against it because it causes arousals and arousals, according to numerous clinical studies. As a result, you may not feel refreshed when you wake up. The same goes for caffeine. While it can be good during the day to help keep you awake and alert, you want the opposite effect before bed, so if possible, avoid coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated drinks.

Practice calming activities

Research shows that meditation is an effective tool for people who have difficulty falling asleep at night. By meditating, you can help reduce cortisol, the hormone associated with stress. It also increases the natural levels of melatonin to aid in more restful sleep. You can also participate in many other calming activities. “I recommend deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other deep relaxation exercises that calm the body and mind,” says Dr. Kogan. “Listening to music and reading printed books are also other calming activities you can do before bed. “

This article was created by SheKnows for Sleep & Shine.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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