Dabengwa sick in South Africa


The herald

Nqobile Tshili Bulawayo Office
ZAPU President Dumiso Dabengwa is reported to be ill and is in South Africa where he is receiving specialized care, his party said. In an interview, Zapu Secretary General Dr. Strike Mkandla said that Dr. Dabengwa traveled to South Africa in December.

He added that Dr. Dabengwa was not hospitalized but lived with relatives while undergoing routine examinations.
"There were things to do, but he's fine, we talked to him yesterday (Tuesday). He was due back shortly after Christmas and it was noted that he should show up for a checkup on the 4th.

"We then noticed that it would be a waste of money to come back on this side. He decided to stay with his loved ones during the Christmas holidays. We may expect it next week, "he said.
Dr. Mkandla did not reveal Dr. Dabengwa's illness.

He said, however, that nothing should worry the public about their health.
"It's really a routine check. Maybe the things that blocked, he did not know about them. It seems that new things have been identified during the routine examinations and that they should, in their opinion, be treated.

"He has yet to undergo an operation. Some of these things could be complicated or some of them might not be serious and require only regular checks, "he said.

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