Jamie Carragher inspires enthusiasm with Kylian Mbappe in Liverpool


Jamie Carragher sparked mass enthusiasm – and then mass disappointment – among Liverpool fans on Twitter on Wednesday night.

The legend of the Reds, who works as an expert on Sky Sports, re-tweeted a message in which it was written: "Latest news: Liverpool agrees to pay PSG to sign Kylian Mbappe."

The tweet was posted by an account named "SKY SPORTS NEWS", which even featured Sky's famous logo on its display image and which, at first glance, seemed like the real deal.

But there was a small problem … the absence of a blue check mark indicating that the account is verified, which means that the tweet was posted to trick the fans – the information just is not true.

The shameless trick of Carragher over his Reds compatriots has been quite successful, fans having responded on Twitter praising the quality of the joke, which naturally surprised him.

Kylian Mbappe has become a surprise Liverpool target

Interestingly, the parodic Twitter account, which has about 10,000 subscribers, was then suspended.

Mbappe appeared as a surprise transfer target for Liverpool after appearing in a video of famed fan LeBron James, who even wore a Reds hat.

The fans later noticed that the World Cup winner had begun to follow the current and former Liverpool players on Instagram before downloading an image containing the words "soon" in his story.

Jamie Carragher sparked mass enthusiasm among Liverpool fans

PSG President Nasser Al-Khelaifi is confident he will stay ahead this summer, despite recent speculation on transfers.

"Mbappe? I'm 200% sure that he will still be at PSG next season," Al-Khelaifi told France Football.

Carragher's re-tweet cheats Liverpool fans

As for the rest of the team, he added: "Players must accept their responsibilities.

"Things have to be completely different, they have to do more, work more, they're not there to have a good time, and if they do not agree, the door is open." meet again."

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