Add these nutrients to your child's diet to strengthen bones


As a parent, it is natural for you to care about the physical and mental well-being of your child. In doing so, you can not afford to lose your bone health because the bones help to give strength, protect vital organs and provide structural support to the body.

Bone health is a very important part of your child's physical health. Bones grow and strengthen during childhood and adolescence. In fact, the bone density develops rapidly during this period and stops as soon as the child reaches the age of 18-25, which is known to reach the "maximum bone mass". Thus, by the time your child reaches the age of 18 or when he reaches puberty, 90% of the bone mass is already developed. It is therefore essential to include healthy, nutritious foods in their diets.

Bone weakness increases the risk of bone damage in the future and makes it vulnerable to easy fractures and fragile bones. In addition to this poor bone health can also lead to diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets at an early age. Good bone health can be easily maintained by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating healthily. Here are some essential ingredients that you need to add to everyday food so that your children have healthy and healthy bone health. These nutrients are commonly available in almost every type of food we consume daily. We will also show you how to add these nutrients to your child's diet.

Food for healthy bones

Vitamin D

The simplest way to prevent bone-related diseases is an abundance of vitamin D in the body. The source of this vitamin is one of the largest resources available, sunlight. Vitamin D is made in the skin. Therefore, a reasonable exposure to the sun avoids vitamin D deficiency. To force your child to consume vitamin D, you do not even have to make much effort unless you encourage him to play vitamin D outside and to participate in outdoor activities. In addition, vitamin D is also available in children's favorite cheeses, which can be easily fed to children in sandwiches, pasta, etc. Other sources of vitamin D include fish such as tuna, beef and egg yolks.


Catalyst widely known in bone formation, calcium provides a wide range of health benefits that you can not afford to miss. A healthy body is home to a diet rich in calcium. Calcium plays the most important role in bone formation and it therefore becomes vital to increase calcium intake during puberty when bone density increases faster than ever before. Not only bone health, calcium also strengthens the muscles and protects the heart. Milk and dairy products are the engine of calcium. It is essential that children of all ages take at least two glasses of milk a day. With milk, eating dairy products like cheese, yogurt also increases calcium levels in the body. Give your child a bowl of yogurt / curd with his meal at least once a day. You must also include green vegetables such as spinach, kale and okra in your child's diet. Orange is also a known provider of calcium. Squeeze the oranges in a fresh fruit juice and include them in their usual breakfast. In this way, you can serve your child's taste as well as health. Soybeans and products such as soymilk, soy yogurt and fish are other common sources of calcium.

Vitamin k

It was found that people rich in vitamin K had higher bone density and were less likely to be affected by bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis. This vitamin works with calcium to strengthen the bones. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, cabbage, green cabbage are rich sources of vitamin K. Pickles are also known to be suppliers of this vitamin. You can include pumpkins in your child's diet to increase vitamin K intake.


With vitamins, magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy bone density in children and adults alike. It has been proven that an inadequate intake of magnesium during childhood could lead to osteoporosis in the future. Encourage children to eat cereals at an early age as they are a major source of magnesium and other nutrients. Easy and quick to prepare, the cereals are a rich breakfast for children. Magnesium is also commonly found in green vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, etc. At the same time, your diet is rich in soy, which is another important source of magnesium for the body. In addition to this peanut butter, which is often preferred by children and can also provide them with the required magnesium.

These nutrients in their diet, combined with a healthy lifestyle, will ensure the future health of your child's bones. Make sure that until the age of 18, your child should do at least 60 minutes of physical exercise a day. Another problem that could contribute to low bone density is lack of appetite or eating disorders. So watch your child's diet very carefully. Also make sure that they do not consume alcohol and do not smoke. If you follow these simple steps, you can be assured of your child's good health.


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