COVID-19: Here is the breakdown of Putnam County cases by city


There have been nearly 400 new positive cases of COVID-19 reported in the past two weeks in Putnam, bringing the total to more than 2,400, with four new hospitalizations, according to the county health ministry.

A total of 73,896 COVID tests were administered in Putnam County, which resulted in 2,465 positive cases (398 new), the Department of Health reported in its latest breakdown of the numbers.

There have been 64 COVID deaths in Putnam since the outbreak began eight months ago.

The county is currently monitoring 160 active cases of COVID-19 and 2,305 Putnam residents are no longer in isolation after testing positive for the virus more than two weeks ago.

A breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Putnam County, according to the latest information released by the Department of Health:

  • Carmel: 855 (140 new);
  • Southeast: 568 (99);
  • Kent: 350 (44);
  • Putnam Valley: 273 (40);
  • Patterson: 250 (54);
  • Philipstown: 169 (21).

In the past 24 hours, 173,085 New Yorkers have been tested for COVID-19, including 6,265 positive. The infection rate of 3.62% is up from 2.96% the day before.

“Remember the experts said,“ Watch out for the fall. ”It’s cold, people are starting to stay indoors, students are starting to come home, and there is less outdoor activity. . This is the peak that we see rising now, and we are now entering the holiday season and 37 days of increased social interaction, “said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “It’s not a normal Thanksgiving. It was not a normal summer. It was not a normal labor day. It was not a normal school year.

“Celebrate Thanksgiving with your extended family: the New York family, representative of all those people who have done the right thing this year for each other and acted as a family.”

Since the start of the pandemic in March, 18,187,840 New Yorkers have been tested for the virus, including 602,120 positive. The Ministry of Health has confirmed 26,390 deaths from COVID-19.

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