Android P Beta 3 shows the future of phone photography


How many phone cameras is too much? In the next few years, Android device manufacturers will discover. One of the newer but less intriguing multimedia features of Android P is the support of multiple cameras. For developers, this opens up many opportunities to innovate. For Android users, this probably means that the next phone you buy will look a little strange.

Cameras are perhaps the only part of smartphones where manufacturers are trying to make daring moves, rather than just working on hardware specs. major players in the field. To make sure that Android is in sync with the latest iPhones, Google has been working a lot on improving camera software support on Android P.

Support for The multi-camera API allows you to group two or more cameras back from the camera to use for real-time effects. For phone photographers, this means a zoom, a bokeh and a seamless stereoscopic vision using multiple cameras in front or back

It will not be new for high end phones Samsung Galaxy S9 or Note 8 G7 ThinQ, they can already do so thanks to their significant financial and R & D resources. But low to mid-level manufacturers will undoubtedly add more cameras to their future phones thanks to Google making half of the implementation work for them. In Google's fight with Apple, bringing more upscale features to lower-end Android handsets will give it an edge.

And that also speeds up the process of taking pictures. The new Android P session settings can dramatically increase the processing power of your phone to charge the camera application and shutter off, hopefully removing it, at least a part of the delay that can affect low-end handsets. There is also an API that allows to use the phone screen as a flash (another convenient shortcut for developers), and support for USB and UVC cameras if you do not want to use integrated telephone equipment.

Once you have your image, you can do more. Surface sharing promises to keep recording your camera while you're bothering with the last picture you've taken, rather than having to stop your camera to work on it. Plus, there are timestamps for optical image stabilization, which will make editing, adding effects and, of course, image stabilization a lot easier to do in applications.

but that does not mean much for the average user. All the same, there will be very happy Android phone photographers when we finally get a finished version of Android P.

Elsewhere, the latest Android P beta contains a number of new features for developers to play with. One is the introduction of positioning inside, using Wi-Fi to locate your location so that applications can serve super-localized features. The developer's notes suggest things like interior maps for navigating large buildings, or voice commands that change depending on your location, such as turning on this light or asking questions about this product ] on the shelf.

There is also an option to pin the orientation of your screen, rather than rotate it when it thinks you are making a deliberate move to do it. Some phone makers had tried their own solutions, but this feature will soon be present on all compatible Android phones, standardizing the small but useful features being something of a theme in Android P.

A further improvement that would have had to be on Android phones a long time ago is its introduction of a magnifying glbad when selecting text, which applies in any application that cares to allow it. IPhone users probably sneer at the thought that something that has been present on Apple devices for almost a decade now only comes for Google powered products, but at least the users of the iPhone are not sure what's going on. Android will be able to catch up soon

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There are interesting things that boost privacy and permissions control through new behavioral changes. Applications running in the background can not access the camera or microphone through the operating system, as well as to other smaller sensors. A group of new permissions restricts access to data such as phone numbers and call logs that you will have to face when setting up new applications and features.

Notifications also get new bonuses. The most advanced options of your email application from the main application can be made available in the pull-down drawer; potentially more convenient and much faster for the user. Do not disturb has also gained a new personalization, allowing prioritization or exemptions for certain types of attention research of your applications.

You can not wait to try Android P now? You can download Beta 3 now, but only on some devices. The final version will begin to be deployed on compatible phones from August.

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