Twitter forbids the users who are registered there when they were minors


How many of us pay attention to laws that prevent minors from signing up for social media sites? Probably, there are only a few of us who have followed these rules and joined social media at the appropriate age. Most of us have ignored these privacy messages, but not Twitter. The microblogging site takes this law very seriously and blocks the accounts of users who have registered under 13 years of age. While Twitter is up to now the only company to comply with this law, the problem here is that these lockout users are now adults.

Yes, Twitter users like Tom Maxwell who signed up on Twitter when he was under 13 but is in his mid-twenties today are locked on their accounts to be a minor when They signed for it. Maxwell, a university student, says that he was 12 when he signed up on Twitter. His age became a problem when he updated his date of birth on the night of July 18th. His account was locked the next day when he tried to log in.

"Our terms of use require that all users use Twitter We have determined that you have not reached the minimum age required at the time of creating this account. All your advertising campaigns have been suspended, "was the message posted by his account.

Twitter on June 12 would soon announce the instructions to unlock the account and continue to use it. We are on July 25 but there are users like Maxwell and others who are still facing the ban of Twitter.

Twitter has announced changes to its Terms and Conditions following the entry into force in May of the new data protection laws. The new Twitter rule prevents anyone under the age of 13 from creating an account on Twitter. While the move is aimed at removing minor users from Twitter, the problem occurred when the site automatically started to prevent users from accessing accounts by finding that the account had been created by a minor user.

start working on the solution to solve this problem, but it's been over a month and the ban has still not been lifted for many users.

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