Why SEO is important to your business in 2018


Search Engine Optimization ("SEO") is one of the most effective ways to market your business at the exact moment when customers are searching for a solution.

SEO includes several strategies like ranking on search engine results, commercial directories, site-specific site content and online reviews.

Every day in Ghana, thousands of customers are looking for businesses like yours in your neighborhood. Make sure to be found at the most important time.

Why Your Business Needs SEO in Ghana

More and more people are turning to Google for answers

Recent statistics have shown that:

  • All Google searches are local [19659008] 64% of local customers use search engines and directories as their primary means of locating local businesses
  • 78% of local mobile searches result in offline purchase


The main reasons customers search locally are to find a specific company or find a specific product or service. If they are looking for a specific company, they are probably looking for your address or contact information.

Using local search tactics, you can better position your business and promote what you have to offer local customers when they

The use of the mobile Internet is increasing rapidly

According to Google, 50% of consumers who searched on their smartphones visited a store in one day. In fact, Google's algorithm now prefers mobile-friendly websites and ads

This means that missing SEO can also lead to a loss of potential customers and in-store traffic.

88% of local consumers trust Word of mouth is always the most popular way to recommend a local business and also the most convincing. With the growth of search engines, third party reviews are viewed in the same way as word of mouth.

Specifically, 88% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations (Search Engine Land). Nearly 9 out of 10 consumers read online journals to determine the quality of a local business, and 39% do so regularly. Bottom line? The most 5 star reviews, the better.


Research is growing more than ever, which means that SEO is becoming more and more important. Now is the time to take advantage of search engine optimization and boost your business.

All local businesses, from jewelers and restaurateurs to dentists and lawyers, can improve their business and earn more money through local SEO. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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